Gaming and Hanging

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After school, the two of you met up and he came over to your house. He always comes over to your house so it's not really anything new. The both of you sat on your bed and played Minecraft. "So, what do you wanna build this time? I know you like playing in creative and making cities", Kakyoin asked you. Being that he was your only friend, he knew almost everything about you. He knew your favorite games, books, candy, and food. The only thing that he didn't know was that over the years, you started developing a major crush on him but you never told him and you were pretty good at hiding it. You always thought about telling him but your overthinking always prevented you from doing so.

"I say this time we play on survival and look for a village so we'll have resources, trading and the best thing of all...." You both said "RAID TIME!" at the exact same time. The both of you chuckled and immediately went looking for pillagers. After a couple of minutes of searching, the both of you came across it. You had three different bows ready with three stacks of 64 arrows and Kakyoin had an enchanted diamond sword and a shield. He rushed in attacking them from the inside and you were sniping them out from the outside.

Once you killed all of them, you both started running back to the village getting ready for the raid. After the raid was over, you got a hero award which lasted for a while and you both started trading with the villagers. When you were done stacking up on food and resources, you heard a weird growling noise. "I'm so hungry right now", Kakyoin said while pausing the game and setting the controller down. You did the same because you were hungry too and being that he's a guest, you should probably make something for him.

"Ok, so we have pizza rolls, hot pockets, chicken nuggets, waffle fries, and mozzarella sticks. Pick your poison", you said as you suggested everything in the freezer that you could heat up. "Gladly, I choose the pizza rolls", Kakyoin replied. "Coming right up! Also, if you want there's cherry cola in the fridge. Help yourself". "You do realize that cherry cola is my favorite and I'm probably gonna drink it all right?" Kakyoin told you in a warning tone. "Not without me your not!", you said as you went to go reach for one in the fridge.

Little did you know, the both of you had your eyes set on the same one. When he grabbed it, so did you but not the can. You grabbed his hand that was holding the can. You immediately tried to keep your cool and you apologized. "Don't worry it's fine. That one was the closest anyways. Don't worry about it", he said with a smile on his face that immediately made you blush hard. Luckily, he didn't notice because when he smiled, his eyes were closed. You grabbed another cola and once the food was done, you grabbed it and set it on the coffee table in the living room.

Once the both of you were done eating, you realized that it was 7 and he had to go. "I'm gonna start heading out because I don't want my mom to worry. See you tomorrow!", Kakyoin said while waving at you. "Ok, bye!", you replied while getting ready to close the door. After you did so, you began to clean everything up so your mom would be welcomed into a clean and tidy house. When you finished, you went back to your room and got ready to play Animal Crossing. You were still in the process of making your island look its best so you can get K.K. Slider to come to your island.

While you were playing, you heard the door open. "I'm home!", your mom yelled from the doorway. You immediately got up and went to greet her. "Hey mom, how was work?", you asked. "It was busy but also fun. I like when it's busy because then time flies by faster.", your mom replied. The both of you started watching movies until she asked you what you did today. "It's pretty much like any other day. I asked Kakyoin if he wanted to come over again", you told her and you also had a feeling as to where you think this was going. "I'm glad that you have a friend that you can spend time with. I remember before high school, you always used to be by yourself and you never talked a lot, even with me. You were always so quiet, well, until Kakyoin came along. It's good to see that you're happy".

"Yeah, he's a really good friend", you said while smiling softly. "So when are you going to tell him that you like him?", your mom asked. "I had a feeling that you were gonna ask me this again but I don't wanna tell him yet. Who knows it might ruin our friendship.", you snapped back but calmly. "You won't know unless you try. I'm not trying to force you but I'm just saying that maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea.", she replied. "Yeah I know, I'll tell him when I'm ready. Just not anytime soon". After the conversation, you headed to bed because it was getting late.

While laying in bed, you couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if the two of you were together. You imagined the two of you holding hands together while walking to class and sitting next to each other while resting your head on his shoulder. While you were thinking about this, your stand popped out and was looking at you. Your stand was mocking you by making kissy faces and making a heart shape with the ice that she created. Your stand's appearance is a light blue, freezing body with dark purple flaming hair. She can control both ice and fire. She can also create steam which is good for making a quick escape. "Oh stop Icy Flames, I know you're not talking, I know you like Hierophant. You're not slick", you told her so she would stop. Icy Flames wrote in ice "Damn you don't have to call me out like that." Then she wrote the word 'bitch' in flames and disappeared.

"You're so lucky that I would never hurt you". You then got comfortable and fell asleep still thinking about what it would be like but still couldn't tell him.

A/N: Hey would you look at that. You have a stand. I figured it might make the story more interesting if I added one so why not? I'm pretty much done with the essay and all my other assignments mainly because I'm pretty good at essays and I had to stay up until 12 last night getting everything done. It was pretty hard because my switch was right next to me and I was feeling pretty tempted. Luckily I didn't charge it so I wouldn't try to go on it but being that I have free time.......Anyways I hope you enjoyed this! I should be updating again soon, have a good rest of your day or night!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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