IV. Headcanons & Notes

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[headcanons and notes]

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~ Lytmir is a very old god of science that is shrouded in mystery and fame for his discoveries. For example, he came up with the cures for eldritch corruption, eldritch sickness, several deadly cosmic parasites, and can even use his powers to heal any sort of defect or mental illness. His main three domains, however, are technology, electricity, and healing.

~ Lytmir is one of the very rare transcendent entities that quite literally loves all life in existence and will protect each one at all costs. He even cares for eldritch beings even though they killed his son. He is quite possibly the nicest, most benevolent, and helpful entity to ever exist.

~ Lytmir has been on earth for his entire life, ever since its' creation dozens of billions of years ago. No one knows how old he truly is, but that he has to be younger than the celestials since one of them birthed him.

~ Lytmir is one of the most knowledgeable gods of all time, containing so much wisdom that he is classified as Nigh-Omniscient. what this means is that he knows almost everything in existence while only being blocked from certain details.

~ Even though Lytmir is quite sweet and benevolent, even he has a bit of a dark side when it comes to entities trying to hurt the Omniverse. He has valiantly fought, killed, and/or locked away various entities who dared try to do just that and is not afraid to do it as many times that is needed.

~ Lytmir has an extremely rare power called Omni-Imprisonment, which means he can imprison any entity or organism in existence without limit. Using this power has gotten him many enemies, but also many allies like The Administrator(a celestial who controls all science and rules over the SCP Foundation). 

~ Lytmir is said to be the head of GUARDIANS, an organization created to help, study, and protect all lifeforms in existence at all costs. So far, the organization has been quite successful in their endeavor. 

~ Lytmir has all powers based around technology. That's all I need to say on that, you can probably imagine just how powerful that is.

~ Lytmir has Omnilingualism, which means he can understand and speak every language in existence, allowing him to communicate with all living things in existence. Quite literally /all/ living things.

~ Lytmir has control over all powers based on the control over electricity or lightning from a natural source or created through other means (i.e. energy, storms, universe, omniverse, etc.). There are various kinds of electricity and can be used to control any energy-based force in existence. As you might have guessed, that's a lot.

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