14 - found you pt 1

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(noah and ava are seniors in this story)

- avalon pov -

thank god for noah, i did manage to get a full, three and a half hours of sleep last night, but had he not yelled at me to go to bed, it definitely would've been less.

it was around 6:15 in the morning, and my school started at 7:35. that left me with a decent amount of time.

i grumbled as i pushed aside my covers and went to turn of my leds, just to provide me with some sort of light.

i got up after much deliberation about if i should just be sick, and turned off my fan. immediately turning on my heater. what? that fan made my room cold as fuck and i'm not dealing with that at six in the morning.

text message with boo
6:17 am monday

i swear to his. i'm actually going to die.

i told you that you should've gone to bed sooner

yea yea. no need to be a smartass you prick
when i see you in punching you in the arm >:D
that'll make me feel better

well not if you can't find me
see you at school!



god damnit

cursing to myself and to him, i headed over to my vanity. safe to say i looked like shit.

i grabbed a makeup wipe and wiped of any of the past nights makeup that i missed. then i through on some lotion and sunscreen, and deodorant.

after that was done i threw on my usual makeup. fox style eyeliner, mascara, and really fucking messy concealer.

after that was done i looked somewhat decent.
i took down the bun i threw it into last night and brushed it out. pleased to see that it wasn't to ratty today.

i just kinda left it as it, hair sprayed my curtain bangs though so they didn't fall out by the end of the day.

looking into the mirror i looked half decent. which was good enough for me.

i trudged over to my closet to grab some clothes.


Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

there. good enough.

after taking one last look in my mirror, and deeming my self presentable at best, i grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs. ready to down an entire cup of coffee i might add.

-number neighbor-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ