Chapter 1

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Jere's P.O.V.
Yet another morning. The sun is shining and its another day of antagonizing Michael and his stream. Today someone called "wapgod69" entered the chat. From the moment I saw his chat popped up I had felt intrigued. He had pulled me in from the start, however something was wrong. He was homophobic. Homophobic? No, he sure wasn't that. Chat and I could all tell that something was up. Maybe he was just internalizing his queerness. Yes, that had to be it! There was no way that a homophobic man could have pulled my heart the way this man did, and I was going to prove my affection for him this day!

WapGod's P.O.V.
Yet another boring day it has been so far. I had decided to go onto twitch and watch some Minecraft content. I was sick and tired of the normal streamers I usually watch, so I decided to scroll through the Minecraft tag. One channel in specific had peaked my interest. Their twitch was michaelstruggles and there was only a few viewers, maybe about 7 or 8 at the time. There didn't seem to be anything special about the channel, just a normal twitch streamer, but something made me want to watch them. Maybe it was the plankton profile with the adorable blushing plankton, or the fact that I was just bored and wanted to watch something new, but I clicked the channel and saw someone named "catboyjere" commenting. Just the way the spoke made my heart flutter– I MEAN NO! I can't be thinking that! How stupid of me to let my gayness slip U-U.
The only way I knew how to get rid of these emotions, was to internalize them and go back into the closet. I had to stop Jere from finding the key to my heart. It's like when you ask your guardian for McDonalds's, but they say there's food at home.
The whole stream Jere kept testing me. Then, the unthinkable happened. The chat started shipping us. No! My homosexual side was going to come out of the closet yet again. One person in chat even said they were making a Wattpad of us! Like how stupid does that even sound! Of course I agreed, since what's the harm in it. I even gave a small animated picture of me, and then I saw him. Jere's picture had appeared in on stream. I found him stunning. I can no longer deny it. There's still always going to be that one part where I think I'm straight, but I can't deny my attraction to men no longer. Wanting to kiss them, long for them, wanting to cuddle them.

Later I had gotten in contact with Jere and we decided to meet in a very secluded, definitely it suspicious, park. When I got there I was very nervous. My palms were very sweaty and I had felt like a mess. As I was standing in the middle of the park at the fountain, I heard the notorious discord ding ring through my phone.
"I'm here," Jere, 30 seconds ago.
The moment I looked up I had seen a shorter male with puffy brown hair walking my way. My mind was going all over the place. All I could do was stand there and admire he man walking before me.

Jere's P.O.V.
"This was the place," I said as I collected myself. This is it. The moment I get to meet wapgod. As I began to walk into the park I saw a tall figure ahead of me. At first, I had frozen in my steps. My brain had to take a full few seconds to even process him. He didn't seem to tall, but he sure as hell was taller then me. His hair was a light pink color that kind of reminded me of cotton candy a little. Oh and don't even get me started on his beautiful emerald green eyes. I was captivated by his looks, but then began to walk forward.
"Hey mamas~" I said as I walked up to him. Why did I say that you ask? Well because why not.
"Hello, my friend, who I am not attracted to in the slightest," wapgod said. His voice qmade my heart Futter. But wait. I didn't even know his damn name!
"So as you know, I'm Jere, but what's your real name wapgod?" I said as I moved in closer to him, not realizing the small space in between us. He seemed a bit flustered by this action and backed away, covering his beat red face.
"M-my names Atlas." He spoke very sternly. Is he really still trying to convince himself he's still straight?? That's not very poggers man.((I'm so sorry for that one))
"Atlas, come on. We all know your not straight. So why not just admit it out loud?" I had somewhat yelled. He seemed to be in a bit of shock from what I had said. The shock had soon turned into a bit of a rage. Maybe more like a temper tantrum.
"Listen here Jere! Just because I may want to kiss and cuddle men, and also feel attraction to them, doesn't mean that I'm gay." Atlas said, stuttering his words a bit. He's to much in denial.
"Atlas, you need help. You habe to stop denying this. It's not good for ur homosexuality." I said as I put my hand on his shoulder. "It's not mentally healthy."
He looked me in the eyes and I could see the fear and pain in his eyes.
"I'm sorry Jere, but I'm. Not. Gay." He said one last time before he smacked my hand off his shoulder and ran past me, out of the park. The moment he left I could feel raindrops falling above. I better get home fast. There be a storm a brewing.

Atlas's P.O.V.
I just ran. I ran, and ran, and ran, and I didn't stop running. I could feel rain drops, hitting my face as I ran. It began to rain harder, and harder, but I didn't care. I felt numb. I didn't know what to do. Why was I in denial so much? Was I to scared of being judged? Will no one accept me anymore because of who I want to love.
I had finally gotten home and wrung the water out of my clothes. I was drenched, but I didn't care. Maybe it's time to get some help... therapy maybe?

Chapter 2 will be up by tomorrow, but thanks for reading what I have done. It may be a disaster, but oh well. I found it fun.

Word Count: 1115

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