chapter eleven

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Your pov

I stood in my bedroom, staring at the mirror. "I'm hungry...i- this...i don't know what to do...this has never happened before, why now?"

I closed my eyes as i shook my head. I took a deep breath and exhaled as i opened my eyes again.

"Ignore it."

I walked out of my room, but stopped when i noticed something I didn't see when i came into the room. My closet door was open.

I walked over to it and saw my portal door wide open, the tunnel was bricked up, but why was it open?

Coraline couldn't have come through it, could she? I kicked it shut and closed the closet door, leaving the room, not caring about the door any more.

I walked to the door to go back outside but i heard the beldam speak to Craline.

Coraline told her about the show, she sounded so happy. I smiled at her enthusiasm. I then heard the say "you do like it here, dont you Coraline?"

Coraline said yes and then goodnight to Wybie. I then quickly got away from the door as they came in.

I hid as they walked right past me, i then looked out the window to see Wybie, he looked like he felt guilty.

I then remembered that i was supposed to be with the beldam and Coraline right now and quickly made my way over to them as the beldam tried to convince Coraline to stay

I stopped next to them as the beldam spoke "there's one tiny little thing we need 5o do" "what's that?"

She set down a box in front of Coraline, i was still standing next to her chair.

Coraline opened it, it was obvious she was becoming afraid, just the thing the beldam feeds on.

Fear, then the souls.

"Black is traditional, but if you'd prefer pink, or vermillion, or chartreuse, or even (e/c)" she looked at me for the last one, coralines fear was growing

"No way!" She pushed the box away "you're not sewing buttons into my eyes!"

"Oh but we need a yes, if you wanna stay here" the beldam pushed the box back to Coraline.

'father' grabbed the needle and poked his finger with it"so sharp, you wont feel a thing"

Coraline stood up and said that she was going to bed. After some talking she finally left, the fear now strong.

I hated that.

I hated that i liked it.

Later that night i heard Coraline wake up, it was impossible not to, she was so loud.

She wanted out.

I followed her outside, she ran, i hid.

Coralines pov

I showed down from running and started walking normally. I looked around and saw the cat walk next to me "and what do you think you're doing?" "Well... I'm getting out of here, that's what I'm doing"

The woods around me started fading and becoming a weird misty colour "huh? Whats wrong, shouldn't the old well be here?" "Nothing out here, its the empty part of this world" the cat spoke in his raspy voice as we continued to walk.

"She only made what she knew would impres you" "but why? Why does she want me" "she wants something love, i think? Something that isn't her or maybe, shed just love something to eat" "eat? That's ridiculous, mothers dont eat daughters" "i don't know, how do you taste?"

The cat walked faster as i saw the house appear in the distance "what about (y/n)? Or her husband, doesn't she love them?" "The husband... he's just there and (y/n) i said, she want something that isn't her."

"But (y/n) isn't her?" I said confused. The house was becoming bigger as we walked "he' her"

I was about to question him when i heard a trumpet, the cat jumped into a shrub and a mouse jumped out, he chased it and caught it.

I ran over and tried to stop him "stop! He's one of the circus mice!" He bit into it and it changed into a regular looking rat with button eyes, sand poured out of its mouth and i gasped.

"I dont like rats at the best of times, but this one was sounding an alarm" he took the rat and disappeared in a tree hole.

"Is everything here like that?" I asked myself before walking back to the house.

I grabbed a cane from the bucket by the front door and walked to the living room and breaking the handles off.

I pushed the doors open and walked to the small door in the dark room, the only source of light was te light from the doorway shining only on the smaller door.

I was startled when a very large beetle walked in front of the small door and sat down.

The room started lighting up and it was all bug themed. The couch turned around and i saw the other mother sitting on it. The door behind me was closed and i turned around to see it was (y/n) who closed it.

A bug chair moved me to the table and (y/n) walked over to the other mother and sat down next to her.

"I want to be with my real mom and dad, i want you to let me go"

"Is that any way to speak to your mother. Apologies right now!" "No!" "I give you, to the count of three"

"1..." She started changing her appearance."two..." "three!" She grabbed me by my nose and dragged me out of the room, i saw as (y/n) just watched.

She dragged me to a mirror as i tried to get loose from her grip. She then picked me up and threw me into the mirror, sending me a whole nother room.

"You may come out, when you've learned to be a loving daughter."

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