...maybe two or three drinks - Gally

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"Shuck", I groaned, rubbing my forehead. "Bloody hell"

I tried to move around in the bed I was lying in, but everything around me suddenly started swirling and turning. "Oh no, oh no no no, (y/n)", I heard a familiar voice say.

"That's my name", I tried to joke, but it came out as more of an exhausted whisper. The voice continued to talk while I closed my eyes, trying hard not to faint. "How many of Gally's drinks did you have last night?"

I started to remember and tried to count. "Like maybe two... or three...", I trailed off, still holding my forehead with one hand to keep it in its place. "or like, maybe six." The boy next to me sighed.

"Shuck, (y/n), you've got bruises all over your body."

I had a coughing fit, opened my eyes the same moment and stared into bright light. The first thing I realised was the fact my whole body was hurting like hell. Then I could finally take in my surroundings.

The blond boy leaning over me was Newt, who had right now started to examine all the bluish-purple marks on my neck and arms. I gasped for breath in pain when he touched one of them. "Newt, are you mad, don't touch them." I sat up in one movement, too fast, in hindsight. My vision went blurry and I felt close to throwing up. "Sorry", Newt claimed, actually looking a bit embarrassed now. "You know where ya got these from? Had a fight last night?"

Thinking of yesterday - what had happened yesterday? I could recall sitting at the bonfire with the boys, watching Gally in the Fighting Circle as usual, drinking, talking, laughing.

And then I suddenly remembered everything that had happened after. "Oh shuck", I groaned, resting my face in the palms of my hands, poorly trying to hide a smile. "No, not really a fight." Not really? More like the total opposite.

Because from what I could recall, after my fifth-or-so drink I had become quite confident, and when some of the boys started wandering off towards the hammocks, I had sat down next to Gally. And about an hour later we found ourselves in the Deadheads, leaning against a tree and gasping for breath. I could still taste his lips on mine.

"(Y/n)", Newt said in a questioning voice, raising his eyebrows at me. I needed a quick plan, right now, before he got the hint I had unwillingly given him a second ago. "Ugh, Newt, I really need to go to the bathroom. Can you help me up? I feel like fainting now already, I don't want to imagine how I'd feel trying to walk on my own."

I could see Newt wasn't pleased at all since I didn't answer his unspoken question, but he still got up, mumbling something I couldn't understand. For now I was safe.

He offered me his hand, which I gladly took, trying to somehow find my own balance and not land on the floor. Once I stood safely, Newt put an arm around my waist while holding me up with the other one. Slowly, we made our way to the bathroom, leaving the homestead.

Usually, I wouldn't have minded the thirty feet that seperated the homestead from the showers, but now I cursed those exact thirty feet. Not only was I not able to walk on my own, I also had to stand the other boys' curious looks as I went by. After we had just managed about five feet, neither me nor Newt saying a word, I noticed Alby jogging up to us.

"Oh shuck", I whispered, annoyed. I tried to hurry up, but he had reached us before we had even got another feet further. "Hey, shanks! What's up with you, (y/n)?" Newt stopped, and as I looked at him he nodded, silently giving me the signal "talk to him".

I groaned, debating whether or not I should actually tell him the amount of drinks I had last night. "I just... I may have had some drinks yesterday", I mumbled, loud enough for Alby to understand. He only laughed.

"Some?", he sarcastically asked. "More like tons. Honestly, shank, you can't go to work like that! You stay in bed for today, and Newt, make sure to look after her throughout the day." Newt nodded, and I exhaled, now a lot more relaxed. I could just stay in bed! Alby ran off, to where I didn't know, and didn't care at the moment.

"Newt?" I asked quietly. "How did he not notice the bruises?" Newt shook his head, laughing at my question. "I bet he did. But a lot of the guys fall over or get into rough fights when they're drunk, so I'm guessing he didn't make a big deal out of it." I nodded - yeah, I could see these shanks having bruises from falling over some tree roots. "Well then, could we try to get to that bathroom quickly?"

I had taken a cold shower and changed into some fresh clothes, feeling a lot fitter and finally awake. I was still not able to walk properly, but by now I doubted the drinks were the cause of that little problem.

Newt had offered me his help again, getting me back to bed before he would go to work, and we had just reached the doors of the homestead when they opened up themselves. Well, not themselves. From inside, Gally had pushed them wide open.

I stopped dead when I saw him standing there and felt my face heat up. We locked eyes for a single second and I totally forgot about Newt, still holding me up. Gally smirked, winked at me and then jogged off to the other Builders.

I didn't move for at least another minute, until Newt next to me coughed, one eyebrow raised, obviously amused.

"I- he-", I started, trying to find a good excuse. "It's not- I mean- I-" But Newt interrupted me and pushed me forward gently, making me move again. "So now we know where you got those bruises from", he smirked. "-and why you can't walk."

By now my face had to look like a tomato, but Newt only laughed. "Don't worry, love, it's fine." I relaxed at the thought of him not being mad.

"Fine?", I asked, just to be sure. Newt was still second in command, and although nothing I did was against the rules, he could probably give me a punishment if he wanted. Instead, he only laughed again and rubbed my back with the hand he had put on my waist at first.

"Absolutely fine."

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