Meeting.. 🌷

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(Y/N's perspective:)
Its been a good morning. I just got out the shower... i need to dry my hair. Ah, fuck it i'll just stream.

I sat down in my gaming chair and put on my headphones. And began to stream Minecraft. A few hours past and I kept seeing chat say "SAPNAP!" And "SAPNAP'S HERE!" I looked over and noticed a YouTuber had raided me, with the name of sapnap... i spoke up, "Omg- hey! Sapnap! Thanks for the raid!" I noticed i have been streaming for 3 hours now.. its a abiding stream at this point. "Okay!! Thanks guys for joining, i need to go now!! I will stream tomorrow!! Byeee!!" I ended stream and took off my headphones. I sat on discord and friended sapnap, I waited for him to accept so i could dm him. It was a aggravating time.

I was watching tv downstairs when i got a notification on my phone from discord.
"Sapnap#1954 has accepted your friend request."
I felt my heart race! It was like i just won the lottery! I got up and started jumping around my living room. After jumping around for 10 minutes I decided to text sapnap "Heyyy, thanks for the raid!! You're a really cool person and i feel like we should be friends! My name is y/n and i'm a 19 year old male!" I decided to watch my phone expecting it to send on its own. I got paranoid and sent the message, i tried to delete the message as fast as i could but sapnap had already replied. "Hi y/k! :D my name Sap but my friend clay chose the name sapnap for me! I'm a 19 year old male but i'm born in march! Its really nice to meet you! I'm going to vid con this week in florida, feel free to meet me there :) ~signed sapnap" i felt my heart warm up over this.. but- i live in New Jersey.. fuck, how would i get to Florida, i have no money.. damn.... I really wanted to meet him. I better text him. "Hey sapnap! Sorry but i live in new Jersey, and i'm broke and don't have a job, i wish i could have met you lmfao" i sent the message.

(SapNaps pov:)
I was streaming and feeling kinda nice today, i just finished streaming a new man hunt with George and dream. Even though they flirted the whole time which honestly pissed me off.. I really like dream, and George just had to swoop in a ruin it for me. But I decided to stream longer then them.. i was looking for a small twitch streamer to raid.. i saw y/n and they only had 10 viewers, I remember when I only had 6 if I'm being honest. I decided to raid them, they went from 10 to 2k viewers, it looked like they where trying to find a nether fortress, y/n is a very cute boy... WAIT?! WHAT AM I SAYING- I LIKE DREAM NOT SOME STREAMER OFFLINE?! DAMN.. this is so fucking stupid. I watched chat spam "sapnap" and the smile i saw melted me... honestly, i ended my stream and watched to the end of his.

my beloved <3 (sapnap x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now