Underdark I

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( Authors note) This is basically me writing what I've done in dungeons and dragons so far in a book.

Long ago there existed a land called Krynn. This land was home to many creatures like elves, dwarves and humans. However these people were no strangers to violence. Many mercenaries for hire wandered the land often hired to kill annoying menaces like goblins, orcs and trolls, but our story begins elsewhere. Directly in the middle of Krynn is the Capitol Erelend, here rests the great hall of the human king who often hired help to deal with small problems like pesky raiders.
Three elves walked trough the large wooden double doors with gold patterns etched into the surface that led to royal hall. One was a wizard named Thamion, he was young for an elf but still of a decent height. He had blonde hair that almost seemed white. He wore brown robes that were traditional to all wizards and his green eyes darted around the room ready for anything. He was carrying a staff which he often used as a walking stick.
The second was a sorcerer named Raistlin, he was older than Thamion but not by much by elf standards. He wore robes similar to Thamion's and had pale eyes that seemed unwary like walking into a throne room was an everyday occurance.
The third elf, Caramon, had green eyes like Thamion and dark hair like Raistlin but the similarities ended there. Caramon was completely unfamiliar to the world of magic since she was a warrior. She wore thick armor and had weapons like bows, swords and knives strapped to her sides. Being the only woman in the group she often felt outnumbered which frustrated her.
"This place is beautiful!" exclaimed Thamion. "Do I look like I care?" said Raistlin "It's nothing special."Shut up you two! We are in the presence of the king!" said Caramon. Reluctantly, Thamion and Raistlin stopped arguing and the three elves strode down the long royal hall towards the king.
The hall was practically the definition of rich, rows of pillars covered in gold patterns and valuable minerals such as emeralds, sapphires, rubies and diamonds were embed in spiral patterns in strategic places. The king sat in a chair with similar physique, valuables embedded deeply into the golden patterns. The chair sat next to two large mounds of gold coins and perfectly shaped minerals.
"You sent for us, my liege." Said Caramon. "Yes, I heard that you were the best bounty hunters west of the caragras mountains and I would like to hire you for a job."
"What kind of job?" Asked Raislin, eager for some action. "I would like you to find and kill an ogre living in the nearby forest that has been terrorizing my subjects. If you complete this task and bring me proof of your achievement than I will reward you with 20 gold pieces each."
"It will be done my liege." Said Caramon eager to leave the palace. The tree elves turned and quickly left the hall. Thamion lagged behind a little still gawking at the palace's beauty.
Outside the palace was the busy streets of Erelend, merchants were making trades and bakers were trying to sell rolls. Streets run around the palace on either side lined with shops from blacksmiths to souvenirs. Across the street from the palace were the main gates. A dirt road lead from there to a forest on the horizon.
"Better get this over with" said Thamion "I have studying to get back to" "Will you ever get your head out of your books Thamion?" Said Raistlin "Only if you want to die because I couldn't use my magic to save you." Said Thamion "whatever, let's just go kill that ogre and collect our fortune." Said Raistlin.
Together the tree elves strode out of the main gates toward the forest where the ogre resides.
Once the companionship reached the forest they realized they had no idea how they were going to find the ogre. "I've got an idea." Said Thamion. "I'll just use my tracking skills I picked up from my time as an outcast." "Good idea. Track away Thamion!" Said Caramon.
The companionship spent hours tracking the ogre but no luck, Then Caramon had an idea. "Ogres hunt people right?" Said Caramon. "Of course" said Raistlin a little bemused she would ask that question. "Well then why don't we set up camp here and let the ogre come to us!"
The companionship agreed after some argument that that was what they would do. Sure enough when everything was unpacked into a nice open clearing and they were cooking beef over a warm fire when they heard loud feet tromping towards them.
Caramon drew her bow and notched an arrow while Thamion and Raistlin stood ready too cast their spells.
The ogre stomped into the clearing and the companionship got their first sight of the ogre. It was a grotesque creature with barf green shin and bloodshot eyes. The teeth it had left were dirty and gnarled sideways. His hair was in greasy knots and he wore nothing but a large loincloth. In his right hand was a huge club that he swing around with glee.
He bellowed a battle cry and charged. Thamion and Caromon jumped out of the way in time but Raistlin wasn't so lucky. The club hit him square in the gut and he flew into the trunk of a nearby tree and slumped to the ground unconscious.
Thamion held his hand out to the ogre and launched a fireball at the ogre. It hit the ogre but it seemed more annoyed than hurt. Caramon fired an arrow and it stuck deep in his leg.
The ogre screamed in pain. He swung his club at Caramon which swept here off her feet. she landed on her back, the breath nocked out of her. Thamion launched another fireball at the ogre but this one was bigger than the last. It hit him square in the face setting his hair on fire.
With the ogre running in circles trying to smother the flames Caramon was able to get a clear shot. She fired another arrow by this one hit right between the eyes. The ogre slumped to the ground. Dead.
Raistlin, mumbling, got up rubbing his head. "Lie down Raistlin" said Caramon " get some rest. Raistlin opened his mouth to argue but decide against it. He laid down and went to sleep. Tamion and Caramon took turns taking watch as they slept the rest of the night.
The next morning the companionship traveled back to the palace where the king rewarded them with their 60 gold pieces.
"Since you did so well with the ogre I would like to bestow another task upon you for another 60 pieces" "what is it my liege?" "I would like you to kill the drake in the mountains to the north."

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