Lan Mingzi felt his body's desires rose rapidly and was completely conquered by Yanhong's skillful ventriloquism, but Lan Mingzi always felt not enough. He felt that Yanhong could be more exciting and let him release to the extreme. He always felt that Yanhong kept burning on him, but he just didn't put it out.

  "Good sister, don't play...give me...please...give me..."

  Feeling Lan Mingzi's uncomfortable twisting, Yanhong worked harder. She believed that if she hadn't tied Lan herself Mingzi's limbs, I am afraid that Lan Mingzi has already turned into a pervert and threw her down.

  "You want? Yes, as long as you agree to my terms, I will give it to you."

  Lan Mingzi suddenly heard the voice of a third person besides him and Yanhong, and he was almost impotent. He immediately wanted to sit up vigilantly, but his limbs were tied up, and it was useless to struggle. And when he was excited, Yan Hong who was working hard was frightened, and as soon as her teeth pressed hard, he felt pain from his lifeblood.

  Hua Xuan kindly took off Lan Mingzi's blindfolded silk scarf, she smiled and looked at Lan Mingzi with a look of lust and pain. In other words, Lan Mingzi, although his name is a bit bad, he is called a bad name, but his talent is precious. He is as famous as his future husband in Beijing, but Li Yiwen is proficient in poetry and painting, and he is good at novels.

  The novels written by Lan Mingzi have attracted countless people in the capital. The only certainty is that the content is a bit open. After all, it is something that is forbidden by the eighteenth. Even if it is written well, it is impossible to say it openly, so Lan Ming Zi's ​​books are usually good things that are appreciated by some deep-bowed women, nerds, nerds, couples who have sex, or some good-looking girls who are ready to leave the pavilion.

  And what her newspaper needs is this kind of talent, someone who can make up stories, talk about entertaining gossip, and don't add oil and jealousy. How can this be strong, no one can watch it!

  "I said Xiao Xuan Xuan, why are you here at this time?" Lan Mingzi sweated profusely and looked at Hua Xuan who was smiling at him. He felt very embarrassed at this time. He had not perverted himself to the point of zuò ài. For others to admire, and how ugly he looks like now.

  "It doesn't matter that I am here, what matters is why." Huaxuan didn't mind sitting on a chair not far from the bed, drinking tea leisurely, and she was sure to win this battle. If Lan Mingzi doesn't agree to her, hehe, she can't guarantee the consequences.

  "I'm planning to open a newspaper recently. I want you to be a screenwriter and write me some stories. How about? Can you agree?"

  "No." Lan Mingzi refused Huaxuan's request without thinking. Although he has a little talent for writing and he has a lot of friendship with Hua Xuan, he really doesn't want to be restrained. Although he hadn't figured out what the situation of the newspaper Huaxuan was talking about, he knew that it was definitely not a good thing when he saw Huaxuan's meaningful smile.

  "Really? You don't want to answer clearly?" Hua Xuan had expected Lan Mingzi to refuse at first, but she was not worried, after all, the initiative was still in her hands, she was not afraid that Lan Mingzi would not agree.

  Lan Mingzi felt that the lust on his body was gradually returning, and the Yanhong under him began to work again, making him uncomfortable, and large and large sweats began to slide across his body, like feathers lightly The teasing of his heart made him a little unable to move.

  "You have figured it out clearly. If you don't agree to me now, I will take Yanhong away and let you spend the night in this room by yourself. Don't forget that you just ate the spring yào. You may be ecstatic this evening. To release. Don’t worry, I will not be so cruel. Those spring yào will not let you die, but will only make you a little bit painful. If you don’t agree to me, then I will be very sad, and Sun Niang is sure I can’t bear it, then don’t expect to step into the flower pavilion in the future.”

  Huaxuan looked at Lan Mingzi aggrievedly, and looked as though Lan Mingzi’s heart was broken. Her watery eyes began to panic. Red, looks very pitiful.

  Lan Mingzi looked at the bright red that was still working hard under him, and then thought about what Hua Xuan said just now. He knew that Huaxuan did what he said, and he could control his lust for a night, but he would never be able to enter the Huage in the future, which made him very shocked. Whenever his thoughts were blocked, he just had to come to Huage to relax. You can continue to write in a moment, and now that he is not allowed to come to Huage, wouldn't he become a cripple?

  Lan Mingzi thought about the seriousness of the matter, he stared at Huaxuan desperately, but he was helpless and could only betray his country for glory, sigh...

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