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To the survivors of the game, we will now supply you with a visa


Haku let out a sigh of relief as the cellphone in her hand beeped five times- one for each additional day she had been given to live in the god-forsaken land.

"Nice work."

She looked up from the screen to meet the cat-like eyes of the man in front of her. They were both on the floor, panting heavily as they tried to catch their breath.

"You too." She replied, putting on a smile. "I'm Haku."

She tried putting out her hand for a handshake, but immediately stopped when she felt a sharp pain on her shoulder. She winced, which didn't go unnoticed by her companion.

"Your shoulder is dislocated. Don't move it." He said. His tone was devoid of any concern despite his words.

"Yeah, I figured." Haku chuckled bitterly. Just her luck.

Well, at least she was left-handed.

She used said hand to grab the railing, pulling herself up. Her legs were still wobbly from all the running she did during the game, but she figured that the power would go out in a few minutes- as it does once the games were over- and she didn't want to be left on a dark rooftop with a stranger.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, I guess. Good luck on your games." She gave the stranger one last smile before walking towards the door.

"...Chishiya." The stranger said. His voice was quiet, but it cut through the stillness of nighttime Tokyo.

Haku shivered. She wasn't sure if it was because of the cold air or something else.

She turned around and looked at the man. He was standing now too, with his hands in the pockets of his hoodie, his blonde hair lightly floating in the breeze.


"My name." He clarified. Haku nodded in acknowledgment, but before she could reply, he spoke again.

"You need help."

"I'm sure I can just pop it back or something." Haku chuckled, using her uninjured hand to wave him off.

The look that Chishiya gave her after her reply made Haku feel like an idiot. She felt the heat rise to her cheeks. At the same time, the corners of Chishiya's lips twitched slightly, but he turned his head before Haku could make sure.

"I'm a part of this group." He started. "We have food, electricity, water, and warm beds. You can come if you want."

Haku's eyes widened at the offer. She didn't know that a place like that existed in the Borderlands. It sounded too good to be true.

Which meant that it probably was.

Haku stayed silent, which seemed to amuse Chishiya.

"You don't trust me? Even after we worked so well together?" He smirked, taking a step towards her. Haku immediately took a step backward, wanting to maintain the distance between them. Chishiya raised both of his arms, showing her that he meant no harm, but the way he was looking at her didn't really convince Haku.

"Forgive my skepticism, but you did just taze a guy after you said you were going to help him." She retorted. Both of their eyes wandered to the third person on the rooftop, his body lying just a few meters away from the safe zone.

The White Queen 白の女王 Niragi SuguruWhere stories live. Discover now