Chapter Twenty Four: The Great Mistake.

Start from the beginning


The rest of the week kept me very busy what with the Journo project being my top priority & homework and assignments of other subjects. It was very difficult to actually make the Journo project the way I pictured it in my head. So a lot of days & nights, mostly nights went in that creating process. But I wasn’t complaining! Journalism is something that I’m passionate about!

I would lie by telling that Drake’s thoughts didn’t distract me sometimes in midst of doing my project. My mind just randomly wandered to him & I don’t even come to know when or how I start thinking about him. I don’t know why this is happening.  Neither can I stop it nor can I encourage it.

It was around 2 am that night, or rather morning, when I was still wide awake working on my project. There was knock on my door.

“Come in.” I said carelessly, wholly focused in typing. 

It was only when I saw a mug of coffee being placed on the desk beside me than I looked up to see Mark standing there. I realized it was that time of the day when the whole of USA, except me ofcourse, was supposed to be asleep.

“How come you’re awake?” I quizzed him.

“Its not only you in this whole wide world who is being an owl. I am up with the video game. The Video Game Festival is round the corner. ” he explained, “Even Drake is awake. I had a talk with him a while ago. After all, this video game that we’re developing has to be the best.”

I felt my heart skip a heavy beat with the mention of Drake. What’s the hell is wrong with me???

I immediately grabbed the coffee mug & took a sip of the steaming beverage as if that would aid me in forgetting about a certain blonde haired guy.

“You know I was thinking of becoming a farmer in future & grow coffee plants.”

I raised a brow, startled at his choice of career, “Why?”

“Because you have been surviving on coffee all these nights to keep yourself awake so I might as well start producing it!” he joked.

I pouted, lightly punching him in the arm, “Thanks but no thanks.”

My brother laughed, “Its high time you get some sleep. You can do the remaining stuff later.”

“The same goes for you as well, Mark Wilson.” I quipped.

“Yeah actually.” he smiled stupidly.

I chuckled. He departed soon after. And I followed his advice & switched off my laptop and fell on the bed hoping to catch some sleep.


“All is looking fine.” I muttered under my breath as I flipped through the slides of my project in my laptop, checking for one final time if everything was on place.

I was in the empty Computer Lab and the Journo presentation was an hour away. So yes, finally the day had come & I wouldn’t deny the fact that I’m extremely proud of what I made. I had gone to the scrap yard last evening to return all the reference material that I had taken for my project to Robert. Couldn’t have been possible without him and especially...Drake..

“Are you Andrea?”

I heard a voice & looked up from the laptop screen. I saw a girl whom I didn’t know.

“Yes?” I asked.

“Miss Martin wants to see you right away. She’s in the staff room.” the brunette said.

“Uh...okay.” I was startled, wondering why Miss Martin was calling me.

I connected my laptop to the charger after putting it in stand by mode & headed to the staff room. But when I got there, the teacher was nowhere. I didn’t know whether to wait for her there or go searching for her. I waited for sometime but when she didn’t turn up, I went looking for her. After walking around for a while, I finally saw her teaching in one of the classes. Miss Martin looked very much surprised when I told her the reason pf my finding her.

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