Chapter 2

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John's POV:

"Wait John" I heard.

I turned around to see Remi's hand reaching for my shoulder.

I dodged and let Remi's hand miss and catch air.

"What is it?" I asked.

Remi sighed then said "Look John, I don't know much about you, but its obvious that you are in pain right now."

'What the fuck? Was it really that obvious?' I thought.

Remi continued "Its not good to keep your problems bottled up. You need to talk about it with someone."

'I mean... she isn't wrong... the whole reason I lost myself last time was cause I kept my stress to myself, never wanting to bother anyone about it. As well as thinking that I can handle it myself...' I thought.

I looked back at Remi to see her looking at me with concern in her eyes.

"Why do you even care?" I accidentally thought out loud.

'Oh fuck me, I didn't mean to say th-' before I can finish my thought. Remi interrupted saying

"Because as a royal, my responsibility is to look after everyone. Including both low-tiers, god-tiers and everything in between."

I thought 'I see... but I haven't even told Sera about my problems yet. But I know she is coming today... So maybe I should bring Remi with me'

I glance over at Remi who is staring at my eyes and I said "How about this, I will tell you after school? We can talk about this nearby in my place"

Remi questioned "Why not now?"

I told her back "We need some privacy, plus, there are pesky student journalists here working for the Newspaper Club. If I tell you, no doubt it would get exposed to the whole school".

Remi gave a sigh of defeat then said "Alright, going to wait for you after school outside the school gates"

"Alright, see you later then" I said to her

"See ya" she replied.

Lunch time
John's POV:

I sat on the rooftop eating my lunch when I see the door open. With a blonde head walking towards me.

'Arlo, you son of a bitch...' I thought.

I can feel my rage about to take over when I calmed myself saying to myself 'Calm down, Arlo still haven't ambush me... Act like you know nothing...'

"Hey, what's up Arlo" I said to him.

"What are you doing here? The rooftop is an exclusive place for the Royals" he said.

"So?" I replied?

"It means that cripples like you don't deserve to be up here." Asslo replied

"Oh please, you're lying. You would have kicked me off immediately the moment you saw me here." I argued.

"Hmph, whatever you say" Arlo said.

"By the way," Arlo continued

"I have some errands to run after school, would yo-"

"No thanks" I cut him off.

I look over to see Arlo processing my rejection. He didn't expect me to say. To be honest, considering how gullible I was, I wouldn't expected me to say no either.

"Why not?" Arlo questioned?

"Why do you want to know?" I questioned back.

I see Arlo clearly irritated by response and he activated his ability. A barrier surrounds me and slowly closes in.

"Don't forget, John, you're just a cripple. You are below me. You don't question me." Arlo said with a condescending tone.

"Or what? You are gonna beat me up?" I mocked.

"Maybe I will keep crushing your body until you learn about your place in the hierarchy." Arlo threatened.

'So it seems like I will still have to expose my ability since he probably know about it from Isen.' I thought.

"You want me to take my place in the hierarchy?" I said with a visible grin.

Arlo looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Too bad I won't. However, I will show you what a stronger God-tier looks like" I said while activating my ability.

Arlo saw what I was doing and immediately starts speeding up the barrier closing on to me. Until it was stopped by a black barrier.

Arlo was shocked when he saw me stopped his barrier with my own. I then started punching the barrier trying to get out. And thanks to Arlo's ability, I am taking no damage.

I punch the barrier and heard a satisfying crack. I had cracked the yellow barrier and I see Arlo clutching his chest in pain. The yellow barrier surrounding me disappeared.

So I took this advantage of Arlo being distracted and moved my barrier onto him. I start closing the barrier on him until he is on his knees.

I walk over to Arlo and heard a "Tch" noise from him. Which was probably him annoyed on how i DiDn'T tAkE mY pLaCe In ThE hIErArChY.

"Listen Arlo, if you tell anyone about this, I will dethrone you." I threatened.

Even with his face down, I can tell he is pissed. Then I see the door open. It was Abel. He saw Arlo on his knee and my eyes glowing. There is no way to explain what else I was doing. It was clear as day as I had defeated Arlo and that I wasn't a cripple.

Abel's face clearly shows that he knew what was going on since he was terrified.

"Abel" I said with a cold tone.

"Y-Yes?" Abel said with fear in his voice.

"If this gets out, I will break every part of your bones. Understood?" I said glaring at him with my shining golden eyes.

"U-Unders-stood" he replied.

I deactivate my ability and walk towards the door. I see Abel sweating as I walk to him. And when I walked pass him, I heard a sigh.

'Am I really that scary?' I thought.
'Whatever, I got to go for class.'


Hey, its the author here. I have an important thing to tell you all.


Okay, thanks for listening to my important message. It took me a while to come out with that message.

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