✔Chapter IX - In Lotus Garden with The Prince

Start from the beginning

"Why do I have to wear this again?" Seraphina growled as Celia had put her in another heavy gown. She missed her boots, pants and sword. How could anyone wear this?

It was morning and after they had their meals, they now stood near a garden. A guard had instructed them to wait while the young prince would come and lead her to Lotus Garden. 

She stretched again, her back cracked and Celia sent daggers at her, "Would you stop that? You know it is very unladylike and the young prince has already displayed his dislike towards you."

"The feeling is mutual." 

Her head tingled as her hair was tied again and it felt someone had put a stone on it. She wanted her hair loose. 

"At least let my hair loose."

"We can't!"

"Why not?"

"Until your husband see your hair loosen you are not allowed to show it to other men."

"Huh? What kind of rubbish rule is this?" It was irritating and unbelievable! How were the females alright with men dominating them? She felt her fists tickling.

"You don't have any clue oof our culture, do you?" Celia asked, her eyes turned sour.

"Err... I know a bit, like, you folk are weak."

Her words mare Celia's blood boil. How dare she! Hoe dare she belittle the human race so easily! She would have to pay for this disrespect and besides her boorish behavior also needed a check. Celia glared at the wizard as she thought of something that would teach this arrogant wizard a lesson.

"Some one is coming!" They heard footsteps. 

"Well, when the Prince is here, you have to pay respect him."

"I have to bow again?"

"Yes but be sure to do a deep bow, kneeling in front of him while touching your head to the ground."

Seraphina cringed at her as she displayed a scowl on her face. That was very unforgiving. Deep bow to that brat! 

The young prince came along with two men at his sides. They had seen one of them at the entrance who was his advisor, Valentine but the other one was new. He had a big moustache that pointed downward telling it was five thirty-five on his facial clock.

"My apologies Princess of the human country," he began as his moustache wiggled with his each sentence and it was very hard for Seraphina to concentrate on his speech as the moustache was distracting. It was as if it was portraying the emotions behind his words.

"My name is Alonzo and I am the steward."

Both Seraphina and Celia nodded as their eyes stayed at his moustache. 

"If you have any questions or anything you want you can rely on my service, Princess Seraphina."

She nodded stiffly. She wasn't sure she could follow his speech but he didn't feel like a threat.

"From here, we will depart as young Prince will lead you forth." The steward said and both the men and Celia vanished behind her leaving a cold-eyed child in front of her. He had smug look on his face and her deep blue eyes were still emotionless.

So, now she had to bow down?

She bit the insides of her cheek and taking a breathe, knelt down while smashing her head on the floor. It was for saving herself! 

"What are you doing?" 

"Paying respect!" She said hoarsly as she felt her blood in her ears. It was damn humiliating. What if her guildmates saw her like this?! 

"That's not how you pay respect!"

Demian was perplexed at her strange behaviour. He knew she was weird but this exceeded his expectations. 

The human princess tilted her head, a curly strand bounced over her face as it turned red. She was clearly flustered.

"Th-that's not how you pay respect?" She asked.

He felt an urge to blink at her. What was she, an idiot?

"You simply bow to your superiors and elders." He hissed, annoyed at her lack of knowledge. 

"Aren't I older than you?" She asked as she stood up.

His teeth grinded. Was she mocking him? 

"I am a Dragon. I don't bow!" Heat surged through his chest and suddenly his skin started to burn. He lost his composure and was about to fall but the princess reached out to him. She held him in her embrace so he would not fall on the ground.

He clenched his jaw to suppress the pain and jolted himself away from her. It was unforgivable!

"How dare you touch me, you lowly creature!" He growled and he noticed the lack of fear in her eyes, she stood straight and her eyes showed something different. It was anger.

"I was just helping you. You don't need to burst out."

"I don't need your help!" 

"Fine! Next time you fall I'll just laugh till my stomach hurts and when I'm done I'll pick you up.."

He blinked at her. Huh?

He thought she would be afraid instead she was sprouting some nonsense. He had heard the human females were taught humility, utmost etiquette and the mannerd but she was disrespecting him right on his face. The nerve of her!

Was she aware he was a Dragon!

"Disrespecting me would end up in your annihilation, you do know that, don't you?" He asked.

"If helping you meant being disrespectful then I would rather let the young Prince of Dragons fall on the ground before the human Princess." She grumbled and he gave it a thought for a moment. She was right. He can not let her see his weakness. 

"Ah! But that would be great to see, no?" She grinned to herself and it annoyed him more. She was making fun of him.

He spun on his heels and went ahead.

"Hey, where are you going?" She asked from behind.

"To my chamber. I am tired."

"Eh? But we were here for only a few minutes!"

He didn't answer and suddenly he felt a soft hand gripping his palm. He snapped his head at her, anger was an understatement. He felt his ears turning red with the bellowing anger within.

But immediately it evaporated as the princess tugged him to the other way and said, "I haven't seen the lotus garden and you are here to show that. You can't take back your words now."

"I am a Dragon, I don't break my words." He said in a gritted teeth.

She surely knew how to manipulate with her words. She certainly wasn't an idiot. He had to be careful.

He noticed the warmth of her larger hand seeping into his and he sighed as he noticed where she was going, "That's not the right way to the Lotus Garden." He said.

She tilted her head down at him, her green eyes glinted, "then where?"

He didn't say a word instead he replaced their hands and took hers in his. That felt more right, he gave a nod in his head as he turned and started walking pulling her behind him.

Without their notice a figure watched them with the hopeful smile on his face and his eyes radiated the light for the bright future of the Dragon kingdom.

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