Chapter Thirty-Seven - Bunny Raven... or... How to Make a Titananimal Disappear!

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    "Boy, I knew Mumbo had a big head, but I never realised he had such a big hat," Beast Boy says as we walk through a street resembling an amusement park.

    "I'm not sure it's that big." Cyborg argues, stopping and looking to the building on his left. "This is the third time we've passed that theatre."

    "We've got to find Raven," Robin says. "She could be anywhere."

    "Oh, if only there were a sign," Starfire says. Suddenly, a large billboard lights up, reading Tonight Only-The Amazing Mumbo and His New Assistant Raven, Raven's name highlighted in giant, red block letters.

    "Ask and you shall receive," I mutter.

    "That'll do," Cyborg says shortly.

    "Titans! Go!" Robin calls, and we all run blindly into the theatre, following our leader.

    We stop under a spotlight, and begin to look around. "Raven?" Robin calls, and I don't expect an answer until we get one.


    Starfire and I both look around frantically, until the alien princess calls, "The Mumbo has made you invisible?"

    "Up here!"

    We all look up to see a white rabbit in Raven's cloak, trapped in a cage. "Uh... why does that rabbit sound like Raven?" Beast Boy questions.

    "Because I am Raven," the rabbit seethes.

    Starfire flies up, hearts drawn in her eyes. "Oh, you look so cute!" She declares happily, stopping when Raven growls at her. Even as a bunny, Raven manages to scare the daylights out of the redhead. "Uh..."

    "I don't think that's what she wants to hear," I say.

    "We'll get you out of there," Robin says, refocusing on the task. Starfire shoots a small starbolt at the lock on her cage and Raven opens the door in an effort to get out.

    "Sorry!" Mumbo says. "No sneak previews!" A hand comes out, towards Raven, and she runs back into the cage as she tries to avoid it. The white, gloved hand picks her up by the ears and drags her towards the hat. "You'll have to wait for tonight's show like everyone else!"

    Starfire grits her teeth and charges towards Raven to save her, but a chained weight appears attached to her feet, and she falls through the floor.

    "Give us our friend back!" Robin demands.

    "Now you see her..." The hand puts Raven in the hat, before pulling out a wand and tapping it twice. When the hat is tipped over, nothing, not even Raven, falls out. "... now you don't! Ta-da! Nothing in my hat."

    Cyborg narrows his eyes, mind processing this information. "Let me get this straight. We're inside Mumbo's hat, and Raven's inside Mumbo's hat, inside Mumbo's hat?!?"

    "Pretty much," I snort.

    "Dude! You're making my brain hurt!" Beast Boy exclaims, as he begins to pace around us.

    "Just to prove there are no hard feelings for crashing my rehearsal..." Mumbo begins. "I'll show you I am the bigger man."

    The gloves, the hat and the wand all disappear, and the earth begins to quake. "Of course," I mutter. Sure enough, Mumbo walks up to us, more than ten times our size.

    "The bigger they are... the harder they fall!" Robin says. "Titans! Get that hat!"

    Starfire, Beast Boy and I all take to the skies, leaving Robin and Cyborg to their own devices. I look back to see Robin grapple onto Mumbo and out of the way, but a hand squashes Cyborg as I grimace.

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