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Tell me what you think of Akeno in this story, this is an AU so I figured, why not have a little fun with it?  I'm changing Rias a bit so why not change a few others?  Also, tell me what you think of Geek/Nerd Rias.

The next chapter will be the "date."

I had left the Student Council Office and was currently trying to find my Class, 3-B.  I assumed it was on the third floor but after ten minutes of searching, I eventually conceded, turning to a student to hopefully find my bearings.   I walked up to the stout bald guy calmly.  As I got closer, the smell of Crow got stronger and stronger, making me nervous, though I refused to show it.

Malanthet: Careful, I'm detecting quite a few Fallen nearby.  Their Light Spears won't do much to you, especially with your pelt on, but they won't feel good either, not to mention, others could get caught in the crossfire.  If enough of them ganged up on you, and you were forced to get everyone else out of the way... you wouldn't stand much of a chance...

I raised my guard slightly, not visibly, but any trained fighter would realize something was up.  I finally got to the guy, and I was surprised I didn't notice him from the start.  This guy is literally oozing mana and reeks of sin and filth.  I didn't let my disgust reach my face, however.

Y/n: Pardon me?

He turned around, looking at me angrily before his expression softened to a smug grin.

???: Well well well, if it isn't the Mutt.  My boss has told me a lot about you.

Y/n: Look, I just wanna find my class.  Do you know where 3B is?

???: Pfft, yeah... 

I rolled my eyes.

Y/n: You gonna tell me, Baldy.

Baldy: Hey, listen here you passive-aggressive prick, I'm a Fa-

I silenced him by forcefully placing my hand on his mouth and pushing him against a wall.  His smug expression was gone now, replaced by a look of fear.

Y/n: You know the rules, Mundies aren't supposed to find out about the Supernatural shithead.

I pulled back, brushing my hair back with a hand.

Y/n: You may not care about your future, but I do.  Could you tell me where the class is so I can get on with my life?

Baldy: Down the hall and to the left.  And my name's not Baldy, it's Matsuda, remember it.  Mistress Raynare promised me much in exchange for my loyalty! Power, fame, horny bitches willing to do whatever I say.  I'm gonna be big, you hear me, so watch yourself!

I glared at him wrathfully, feeling my body temperature rise as I entered a partial transformation.

Y/n: You're gonna be a corpse is what you're gonna be.  Stay out of my face and I won't eat you...

Baldy: E-Eat me... what the fuck dude.

Baldy was now completely stricken with fear.  His body shook as the icy blue glow of my eyes washed over him, he backed up, pressing himself against the wall as he futilely tried to get as far away from me as possible.  After realizing he was stuck and at my mercy, he nodded lamely.

Baldy: S-sure thing man... whatever you say.

I nodded and began walking to my destination.  As I did, I could see many of the girls fanning themselves with their hands, they also seemed to be sweating and panting very profusely, their breaths actually coming out as visible clouds of steam.  Taking a quick sniff resulted in my sinus' being flooded by the spicy-sweet scent of female arousal and lady musk.  Good lord, what is with the dehydration of today's youth... so many thirsty bitches.  I guess that's what happens when the female to male ratio is six to one, one moderately attractive and manly guy becomes a chad overnight, and an actual male like myself becomes a raging sex god.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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