I Am Now in my DR

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"I am now shifting"

"I am in my DR"

"I am on the hogwarts express"

My room started shaking, I felt everything around me shake and move. It felt as if something or someone was magically changing everything around me. Pulling me in and out from a large space and into a small space. Pushing me back and forth through two rooms. I was so overwhelmed, but so close. I couldn't stop now.

"Calm down Reya", I thought to myself.

I started affirmating again.

"These symptoms are bringing me into my DR"

"I am now in my DR"

"I am a master shifter"

As I continued affirming my body went cold. Almost to the point where I was shivering. I felt my back slightly hitting a surface, over and over. My body slightly jumping up and down. Then I realized something; I wasn't lying down anymore. I was sitting up and... I was wearing shoes. But all I could focus on was how damn cold it was. I knew that I was in my DR but continued to worry if I opened my eyes too early I would be stuck in my CR, again.

All of a sudden I started smelling vanilla. Like a straight up cupcake in my nose. I had scripted I would smell vanilla when I was fully in my DR. My heart started racing at the thought of that. I was really in my DR.

At that moment I wanted to say my safe word and go back. I wasn't ready to open my eyes. But at the same time, I felt as if I had been there for a while. I remember getting on the train. I remembered loading my luggage. I remembered a million memories I never had before.

I was in my DR.

I was no longer Reya Singh. I was Reya Lestrange Riddle. And I had shifted.

I opened my eyes and found myself sitting in a compartment on the Hogwarts express. I sat in the middle of the right seat. I looked down at my thighs. I was wearing a pleated black and dark green skirt. My hands sat folded in my lap. My fingers painted perfectly black with rings placed in almost each finger. I stuck my legs in front of me to see my feet. Perfected fitting black leather mary janes and a black sheer panty hose. 


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I looked around the compartment. Blue cushioned seats with seat belts torn up probably by young students. I looked up and saw shelves for luggage. I did a 360 and saw just two black leather trunks with gold latches sitting right above me.

"Two mfn bags for a year, I need more stuff??" I thought to myself.

All of a sudden I remembered. I have magic. I have the lifa app on my phone. I don't need anything, I can just use my magic. I scripted an infinite wardrobe. I'm good.

I sighed in relief.

I heard a soft pitter pattering noise on my right, I looked out the window and saw it raining. It was dark outside, and raining. Night + Rain = super cold. Makes sense why I was feeling cold while trying to shift. As I looked out the window I noticed my reflection.

"Oh." "My." "God." I said out loud to myself.

My pitch black hair softly sat on both my shoulders, perfectly straight and cut with curtain bangs. I could tell I had no makeup on from the bare feeling but my tinted cheeks and lips looked like I did. My nose was perfectly small, and my lashes perfectly long. 

I was hot.

I was freaking hot. 

My script worked.

I continued staring at my reflection for the next 30 mins pulling and poking my skin and hair. I flipped my hair back and forth and pretended to be in a velocity edit.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my left and the door swung open. There stood Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Harry James Potter. The Golden Trio. I was breathing the same air as them.

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