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Time: 9:20

Jungkook lied on the floor in the pitch dark room, tears falling on to the floor. He was too sad and exhausted to even more or try to break the door. He lost. He lost the only person he loved.

He heard a rattle in his window, he ignored it, thinking it was hallucination.

He heard it again, he got up to check on it, he opened the window and he was pushed back by a figure who practically fell on top of him.

Jungkook reached for the lights and flipped it on.

"Jimin!" Jungkook whisper yelled.

Jimin placed a finger on his lips shushing him. Jungkook noticed how the boy was covered in twigs and dirt, few scratches on his hands. "How did you get here?" Jungkook asked.

"I climbed duh"

"It's the third floor Jimin!!" jungkook yelled again.

"yes, I'm aware of that" Jimin plucked a twig from his hair.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jungkook asked.

"Listen, you know the bald man? I heard him talking on the phone, he had a photograph of Taehyung on his hand and was talking to someone, probably your father, about Tae and bus stop and someone who Tae will meet, I came here to warn you" Jimin sat down on Jungkook's bed.

"Yeah, I know" Jungkook explained the rest of the story.

"What!? so what do we do?"Jimin asked.

"Now that you are here, I have a great idea"

Jungkook grabbed his bag and the phone, adjusted the hat on his head and got to the window, looking down to analyse the safest way to get down.

"What are you doing?" Jimin got up from the bed.

"No sit, stay right there"

Jungkook smiled. It was his evil smile. The one he puts on before he causes trouble.


Jungkook explained his plan.

"So, let me get this straight, you want me to go instead of you, go away with Taehyung"Jimin rubbed his temples.

"The bald guy would be watching, Tae will get in trouble if I go or if he leave alone. So, I want you to go meet him, explain the situation. You can get down at the next stop. Tell him that I'll meet him 1 month later at the airport, it's simple Jimin" 


"shit, it's 9:55..." Jungkook looked at his watch.

"Don't worry, the only thing I learned from trouble making with you is how to run fast, I got this" Jimin sat on the window sill to grab the pipe which would help him get down.

"give him your phone so that I could talk to him, his phone is dead"

"oh no, I broke my phone throwing it at eun woo's face"

"What? --how? tell me when you come back. Now take this phone" Jungkook gave the secret phone to Jimin. "Call me once you get there, here put this on, it's his hat" Jungkook removed his hat and put it on Jimin.


Jimin ran as fast as he could, hoping Taehyung would still be at the bus stop.

When he saw Taehyung, he had the full intention of telling him the truth, but before he could say anything, Tae was already on him, kissing him. It was full of love, he's never been kissed like that.

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