Chapter 13

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Black was in her room bored out her mind trying to figure out what to do. She then looked to her left seeing her guitar on its stand and thought of an idea to why not sing a song. She walked over to the guitar and strummed the strings lightly while fixing it to the right tune and started to sing a song she used to sing before any of this happened and it made her forget of all the problems that she had and slowly started to fade in with the music with no worries of the world.

Pink was wondering around also bored not knowing what to do. So she decided to visit her girlfriend to see what she was up to. Once she got to blacks room she started hearing music coming from it. She knocked on the door but no one responded. After five more knocks she decided to open the door only to find black playing the guitar and singing(insert any song you want). Pink was standing there in awe. She didn't know black could sing or play the guitar. She closed the door behind her and sat down on the floor watching black as she was singing.

After black was done singing her song she turned around and was shocked to see pink sitting there looking in awe. "Oh umm pink when did you get here" she asked nervously "uh not to long ago" she responded "but i didn't know you could play the guitar!" "Oh well umm  i actually taught myself how to play" she said while scratching the back of her neck "playing the guitar actually made me forget of anything that was going on and it made me happy". "Can you play le something?" Pink asked "umm sure got any request" "yes can you play(insert any song you want)?" "Sure why not". And black sat down on her bed and so did pink and started singing.

I wonder where pink is she wasn't in her room..... what if she's in that idiots room. Ugh guess like I'll have another chance pink will be mine.........

Black x pink(an Among us fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora