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On call
Person: hello minister
Minister: hello jai sir
Jai: like said where in india rare stones can be seen is found
Minister: very good
Jai: as these details shouldn't be gone to any other person I'll be directly giving all details to higher officials.
Minister: it's okay that's better.
Jai: there is a function going on in home after that I'll come and meet  you in person.
Minister: you are always welcome jai.
Call ends.

Soon after the call ends minister calls someone else
While otherside we can see a guard handovering phone to a person in wheelchair.
That person (picking call): hai minister
Minister: mishra sir how are you.
Mishra: I'm good.
Minister: that jai's research is completed.
Mishra: I came to know.
Minister: and that idiot will submit the hard disk to higher officials only.
Mishra(with a evil smile): so what we will send him to higher and we will take hard disk. You don't worry our person is going there only. And end the call.

Mishra hand over the phone to guard; call him

Somewhere else we can  see a boy and girl traveling in car suddenly the boy's phone rings

Boy: hey mishra sir.
Mishra: where are you.
Boy: we are going to a family function of scientist jai malhotra after completes I'll call you 
And ends the call.

Soon after the car enters the gate the police stop
The persons come out and the police was about check them but a girl comes there.

Girl: hey stop they are my friends come and she takes them in.

While after some time,

We can see jai copying all files to hard disk and deleting it from the laptop.
After completing he turn and get shock to see a person standing with a gun. Without wasting time he shoots jai and takes the hard disk.

After few minutes the power goes.

Recap: leap of 7 years.


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