Part 1 - 'Why is he here?'

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TW- Slight mention of suicidal thoughts

"If you wish to defeat me, train for another 100 years!" Technoblade exclaims, looking down at a beaten up Dream.

Ever since he got out of prison, Dream had been staying with Technoblade in the snowy wasteland he, Ranboo, and Philza called home. Since Dream wasn't able to train properly in Pandora's Box he had gotten a bit rusty when it came to PVP so in exchange for clout he had convinced Techno to train him and let's just say it wasn't that hard to see who the better fighter was anymore.

"Techno, you need to come with me, it's important." Asks Ranboo, popping out of seemingly nowhere with his new advanced Enderpowers.

"Sure Ranboo." And with that the two walk back to the pig's house, leaving Dream in the snow.

Sitting up, Dream notices blood staining the snow around him. Suddenly the throbbing pain in the blond's side made sense. Clutching his side, he too walks to the expertly copied house to inform his host he was going to go treat his side. However just as he was about to open the door, he hears a familiar voice; one he hasn't heard in quite a long time.

"You know Tommy is still after him. And the next time they cross paths I'm pretty sure the kid won't go easy on him."

"Well, I'm pretty sure we already knew that." Technoblade answers sounding quite bored.

It was clear they were talking about Dream. Both he and Techno had accepted the fact that they were both very much wanted for death since the green one's escape; even though Technoblade had nothing to do with it.

"Well, you don't seem to care! Everybody knows Clay- I mean Dream is here with you!"

"We know."

"Then why aren't you doing-"

"Listen here Goggles," Techno says, putting down whatever he was doing and sounding quite annoyed that another random man was in his home. " We are well aware that we are wanted but I'm sorry to say this but we do not care! I still have all my cannon lives and I honestly don't think Smiley is too bothered if they find him or not. You know what, I wouldn't be surprised if he WANTED to be caught!" And with that, the pig returns to what he was doing and 'politely' asks the man to leave.

It was true. Dream had given up. The man was just passing time till his death at this point.

Before Dream had a chance to hear anything else he walks off into the woods; completely forgetting about the blood gushing out of his side. Why is he here? Why does he care what happens to me? was all the blond could think as he walked off to a nearby cave he had adapted to be his home till death.

Back at the house, the man was still standing there even after being told to leave by quite an angry pig.

"Where is he?" The man asks so quietly that if Dream was still trying to listen he wouldn't be able to hear it.

"If I tell you will you leave?"


Dream was standing topless in front of a mirror, admiring Technoblade's previous work. However just as he was about to turn away to treat the wound, something in the background catches his attention. It was a white, smiley face mask. Dream's mask.

After he had gotten out of Pandora's Box and escaped to the Tundra, he showed Technoblade, Ranboo, and Philza his face to prove they could trust him enough to not kill them in their sleep (Even though they had to let him stay as apart of Techno's favor to him).

Though he would still wear it if there was a risk someone else would see him, the mask brought back terrible memories. Dream deeply regretted what he did to everyone and the mask was a reminder of what had happened. His head starts racing with memories as he stares at his reflection in the mirror. Suddenly a memory he had forgotten pops into his head.

"Look George, everything the light touches is our kingdom. A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun... One day, George. The sun will set on my time here and it will rise with you... as the new king."

As if it was his stupid past self in front of him, Dream lets his anger take over as he smashes the mirror. Glass shards spread out across the floor of his home, as the blond walks back, looking at his scattered past. He falls to the floor, ignoring the pain in his side as he relives everything he did to his old friends, no, his old family.

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