Road Trip

22 4 6

Lilly: Guys get in ze car! Ivy's taking us somewhere!

Ivy: Its a cliff!

Clover: ........

Clover: Makes sense

Lilly: I-

Lil: Lolz

Biitch: Imma piss her off the whole way-

Sofia: I'm comingggggg

Badger: *Jumps into passenger's seat* MINE

Lilly: *slides over to right side of ze back seat*

Sofia & Lil: 😈

Biitch: Oh Lord...

Sofia & Lil: SIT NEXT TO HER

Biitch: NO

Midnight: Idiots-_-

50 minutes later

Sofia: See? It's not so bad sitting next to Lilly!!


Biitch: I hate u two -_-

Lilly: *vibin' to music cuz she don't give a fuck at this point*

Midnight: *somewhere in the back seat*

Sofia: *starts chanting Milly*

Lil: *chants with her*

Ivy: ;-; I'm going to drive it off a cliff... I'm gonna do it.

Clova: ;-; Pls do.

Next 5 hours of ze car ride

Lilly: *on her phone*

Biitch: *idek*

Sofia: *vibin' to ze music*

Ivy: *driving while being annoyed by the Milly chanting that continues every 5 minutes*

Midnight: *doing Midnighty things*

Badger: *asleep*

Clover: *evilly petting Clova*

Clova: Wtf-

The Demons' Not-So-Family-Friendly Sitcom!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora