Chapter 30

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"What's on the agenda for training today?" Golden Flower asked. It was a particularly sunny morning, with not a cloud in sight. Golden Flower knew she would miss these warm days once the leaves began to change, but Copper Rock had assured her that was still a little while off, and there was plenty of warm days and plentiful prey left.

"This way," Copper Rock said, leading her to a portion of the forest they did not often trespass.

Golden Flower glanced at him, confused.

"Don't freak out, just come with me," he said, leading her toward a pile of boulders buried deep within the woods. 

As they came into the clearing with rocks, Golden Flower glanced up and noticed Feather Wings sitting on one of them. His gray fur nearly blended in with the boulders, though the lightning strike on his foot gave him away.

"Hey," Copper Rock called out from below.

Feather Wings leapt down the rocks to greet the two. Though his eyes reflected that dullness that Golden Flower had grown used to seeing, he seemed in higher spirits than normal. Golden Flower wondered why.

"Is he teaching me?" Golden Flower asked.

Both of them chuckled.

"Quite the opposite," Copper Rock said. "We're here to have a talk."

"Copper Rock tells me you're interested in helping us," Feather Wings explained. 

"Helping you with?"

"Meeting with the alphas to discuss bringing the omegas into the fight," Copper Rock interjected. "It's the start of our plan to rid the omega system altogether and to one day allow dogs have to mates."

"O-Oh, right," Golden Flower said. She glanced at Copper Rock, worried he had spilled her secret, but his fervent gaze told her otherwise.

"I'm glad general wolves are starting to take notice, though I suppose since you didn't grow up here it's easier for you to see the injustices," Feather Wings explained. "I'm glad we have your support though. The more support we can gather, the better chance we have."

"The plan starts with us asking the alphas if we can train the omegas to fight given our small numbers," Copper Rock explained. "And then we hope it'll spiral if all goes well."

"When are you planning to meet with the alphas?"

"Tonight," they answered simultaneously.

"Tonight?! What-what am I even supposed to say?" Golden Flower asked. "I'm no one in the pack, not like you two. You come from a royal line, Feather Wings, and Copper Rock, you're the alphas' son."

"They'll value the opinion of an outsider," Feather Wings said. "Copper Rock and I don't stand a chance without other support. Plus, if Copper Rock is telling the truth, you're quite a talented young wolf for your age."

Golden Flower found herself growing flustered. "Well, even if that's true, how will that convince the alphas to make even bigger decisions?"

"That's why we need to ask now. The longer the omegas have time to train, the better their survival," Copper Rock said. "And if the omegas do well, it may show how silly the decision was to make them omegas all along."

Golden Flower frowned. "But is Lily Petal even sane enough to--"

"She'll be fine," Feather Wings interjected.

Golden Flower kept her mouth shut, realizing she had slightly offended Feather Wings' sister.

"Feather Wings and I will collect you tonight. We'll present our argument, and then you throw in something. You saw the rogues as a pup, didn't you? You know what they're capable of. The alphas will have no choice to listen if you voice your opinion too. And if we need more support, we'll look for it. Sound good?" Copper Rock asked.

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