Chapter 25 - A Path To Freedom

Start from the beginning

"It just...doesn't feel like we're doing much good in this situation," you offer.

Tony laughs, shaking his head. "We're keeping a homicidal god off the streets of New York. Doesn't get much good-er than that."

"I mean we're not doing any good for Loki," you say hesitantly, expecting a snarky response or an indifferent shrug. But Tony's gaze narrows, as if waiting for the punchline. So you continue. "We're supposed to fight injustice. Right wrongs. Restore order. We're supposed to uphold the law in the pursuit of all that is just and moral, right? To seek change."

"That's a little too 'Steve Rogers' for me, kid, but sure. Fine. What of it?"

"How can we say we're doing that if we don't even give people a chance to show us that they've changed?"

Tony pauses, brow furrowed. For a moment, it seems like he's actually considering your assertion. But the skeptical expression returns. 

"He's a God of Lies, kid. You really have no idea -."

"But why?" you interrupt. "I mean, really. Honestly. Why is he the God of Lies? Because he says so?"

"Well, uh, yeah," Tony sighs, exasperated. "Him, his brother, and about anyone else who has an opinion on the little termite."

"Then I'm useless, right?" you question angrily.

Tony recoils, staring at you in confused silence.

"That's what they all called me," you say. "All those HYDRA scientists. Every last one of them thought I was useless. Dangerous. Uncontrollable. Worthless," you spit. "That's all they ever said I was. They used to say it so often I believed them."

"You were a victim," Tony retorts. "That's not the same."

"How's it any different?" you challenge. "Because after hearing it so many times I let myself be exactly what they called me. I'd lash out. I'd hurt people. And for a split second at the end, there, I...I-," you inhale sharply to keep the waver from your voice. "There was a light. When SHIELD showed up that day, I saw a light. A hole blown right through the side of the tunnels. And for a moment there I'd have killed everyone around me just to make it to that light."

"But you didn't," Tony says softly.

"No, I didn't," you say. "Instead I took Phil's hand."

Tony sighs, and starts rubbing his temples again. "Honey, that's not-."

"He didn't know me, Tony," you urge. "All he knew about me was what he read in some HYDRA scientist briefing he found scattered all over the floor, or what he overheard from some whimpering guard. To him, I was all those things. But he still offered me his hand."

Tony bites back any response that may have been laying on the tip of his tongue. You can see the effort it takes as he fights with himself. But you can tell he isn't convinced. Not fully. Not yet.

"I've been inside his head," you state. "Actually inside of it. And yes, it's strange, and confusing, and full of trickery. But you know what's also in there?" you ask, seeking Tony's gaze. "Regret. Isolation. Loneliness. A longing to belong. To not feel so damn alone. Just like me."

Tony and Bruce both stare at you in silence, until Tony lets out a burdened sigh. "He's not you, squirt," Tony says. "And what you're asking won't be easy."

"I'm not saying it will be," you say quickly. "And I'm not saying we should trust him. Not right away. But I am saying that based on what I've seen, he's deserving of a chance to earn our trust."

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