Harry potter, peppa pig and dorito chip

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The young trio comes across a dead body on the ground, the poor red heads heart broke as he frowns and runs to the body. The others follow along as observed the body. Tanjiro thinks to him self, 'Poor lady... a demon must've gone to her... I'll build a grave for her' he flips the body over and stares at his comrades, they all nodded and dragged the  body away from the road. They set the body down and took a good look on her face, she looked like a foreigner. Her choice of clothing was very odd... and she reeked of blood. The trio didn't question it and continued to gather dirt. Zenitsu stared at the corpse with sorrow in his eyes "She was beautiful" he commented.

A few moments later

They were half way done with covering the body when the body's head turned to the left, Inosuke was the first to notice it. "Oh" Zenitsu fixed the head that was covered with the body's hair. Which also covered the corpses eyes, he touched the body's face and felt the coldness. He turned the head to face the sky and-


He yelled at the top of his lungs, the corpses left eye was wide opened. Staring directly to his soul. The eyes where a bizarre colour, red and purple mixed together, which was an odd match. The eyes that were supposed to be white on the outside where pure black . This made Zenitsu think the corpse was a demon. "I-ITS A DEMON! TANJIRO INOSUKE! ITS A DEMON!!!!" He screeched, "AHHHHHHH" the 'demon' yelled back.

POV switch

'What-what is this??? Who are these people?
Where am I? Why are they dressed like this? Wait. This... THIS...THIS MUST BE THE WORK OF AN ENEMY STAND USER!' You thought "A demon?! Where?!" This kid with a boar mask yelled. The kid who looked like a dorito chip answered him "Th-the c-c-corpse!" He pointed at me. They pulled out these katana looking swords and pointed at you. Clicking your tongue you jumped up "IDENTIFY YOURSELF! WHO ARE YOU???" You spoke for the first time. Your arm touched the ground and balanced you as you kicked the three short stacks. All three of them fell from your powerful kick, even though your body still hurts, with the help of your amazing stand you were able to do it.

They didn't seem to notice your stand when it floated in from of them, which of course surprised you. This place doesn't feel like an illusion, no not at all. It feel very much real. But that got you thinking, 'did I actually died and got reincarnated?' Regaining your stance you looked at the trio. They looked like babies to you, young teens. And did you hear them say demon? Not that you don't believe they exist, I mean you knew people who fought vampires for goodness sake.

There was panic in their eyes, you raised your arms up in the air like you got caught by the police. "Zenitsu! She can't be a demon! See!" The boy with the scar points to the sun. "The sun is still up! She would've been burnt to ashes right now if she were a demon" Scar boy explains.

You kept that noted, 'Demons burn in the sun. Got it. Wait wouldn't that mean Hamon would work on them?' You asked your self.

'If girl not demon, girl human, if girl human, then why girl can make me fall down?' The boar boy asked himself. "ARGH! FIGHT ME! FIGHT ME! FIGHT ME!" He exclaims. "I'm not here to fight! Please... I got attacked by a wild boar and I hit my head while trying to run away... and I'm sorry for kicking you, I thought you were trying to kill me" you said defensively. Scar boy and Dorito put their swords away and relaxed. "It's okay, what is your name?" Scar boy politely asks. "Oh um L/n Y/n" you introduced.

"Kamado Tanjiro"

"Agatsuma Zenitsu"

"Hashibira Inosuke! Fight me! (Butchered name) "

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