Old Friends

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Bakugou was not nervous, despite what everyone might say, and was not very excited to see his old friend.

Were they even friends anymore? Bakugou and Izuku haven't seen each other since the training camp, but they haven't properly reunited. So, one could argue that he hasn't seen Izuku since they were four.

Twelve years ago.

His fists tightened for a second before he loosened them. No matter. Bakugou just had to remain calm. 

Calm his ass.

As he walked through the huge gates of UA, he bit the inside of his lip. Did Izuku still like heroes? How come he refused his offer to come back? Was it his fault? Sure, his parents were shitty - he hadn't expect Auntie Inko to do nothing (just blow the bastard of a father up once he didn't suspect anything) - but still. Things were different.

Weren't they? 

Bakugou swiftly went down the long hallways of UA, the doors passing him every so often until he was looking at the principal's office door. About to knock, he lifted his hand. The door swung open before he even touched it.

"Hello, am I a mouse, a dog, or a bear? The more important thing is I'm the principal! Welcome Bakugou, I've been expecting you!" the white furry thing said. Bakugou scowled for a moment before going back to normal. He shifted his school bag in his hands as he looked around the office.

"Alright, where the fuck is Izu-chan?" his eyebrows furrowed as a certain twinkle appeared in the rat bastard's eyes. That couldn't be good.

"Ah, straight to the point are we?" Nezu hummed as he walked towards his desk, hands behind him. "Why don't you come inside? And close the door behind you, if you can?"

Bakugou strolled in, not knowing what the rat was expecting, and he closed the door behind him.

That's when he saw his old childhood friend sitting on a couch behind the door, next to his teacher.

Izu-chan was finally here.

Izuku POV

Izuku played with the lock and the paper clip in his hands as he sat on the couch in Nezu's office. He had discovered that it was fun to play with when he was bored, like how some people play with their hair, or bite their nails. 

It was just an unconscious thing. 

Asuka and Mamoru were with him, along with his Dadzawa that sat next to him. Asuka was resting in his hair, almost completely concealed by the amount of green curls on top of his head. Mamoru was on top of his feet, pinning them to the ground. However, Mamoru did make a comfy foot warmer.

Nezu walked towards him and he looked up.

"Now, according to my cameras, Bakugou Katsuki should be arriving in a few minutes," the rat/dog/bear said. Nezu's eyes locked with Izuku's. "If you don't want to meet with him now, we can always postpone it or - "

"No, it's fine. I'm actually very excited," Izuku interrupted him. He then tilted his head back down. "It's just that, I didn't go with him last time. What if he doesn't understand?"

"Then we'll explain until he understand," Dadzawa's gruff voice made him look at his dad.

Dad. What a nice thing to say. He used to call Hisashi that. Now Dadzawa took that title.

"Alright, Izuku?" Nezu asked. Izuku gave him a firm nod. 

Nezu went back across the room to his computer monitor. "Here he comes," Nezu said as he walked over to the door. He opened it.


"Izu?" Kacchan's voice went soft. Izuku looked at him and smiled. 

"I'm here, Kacchan!"

"Oh god, you're actually fucking here. You're actually fucking here!" his voice went louder and louder, but Kacchan lowered it down again when he saw Izuku wince. 

"Izu-chan? Why is there a fucking bird?" Kacchan asked slowly, as if he wasn't believing his eyes. 

"Oh!" Izuku's hand went up to his hair and Asuka hopped onto it. Lowering his hand, he showed Asuka to Kacchan. "This is Asuka. He's my friend!"

Mamoru decided that was a good time to stand up and Kacchan jumped when he saw him. 

"And that's Mamoru! He's also my friend!" Izuku smiled widely. Kacchan smiled back at him, although a little hesitantly.

"Hello. Asuka. Mamoru. Oh yeah, and Aizawa-sensei." 

Asuka flapped over and landed on Kacchan's head. Kacchan froze. His red eyes met Izuku's green eyes, and as much as the blonde would not like to admit, Izuku could clearly see Kacchan silently asking for help. He couldn't help but giggle. 

That's when Mamoru decided to walk over to Kacchan and wrap himself around Kacchan's legs. Kacchan was looking desperate.

"Asuka, Mamoru, come back or Bakugou might have a heart attack," Dadzawa gruffly asked the two and they reluctantly walked/flew back towards the man. Kacchan let out a quick sigh of relief before straightening up. 

"So, how are you?" Izuku asked.

Aizawa POV

Aizawa didn't know whether he approved of the violent, blonde Pomeranian going near his adopted son. Bakugou Katsuki was literally and figuratively a walking, talking explosion ready to occur. However, he could believe his eyes when Bakugou Katsuki went soft.

There was no other way of saying it. Bakugou Katsuki went soft. 

He could tell that it wasn't romantically. Even if Nemuri and Hizashi called him an emotionless insomniac, even he could tell if something was love.

God knew that if it was love, Bakugou Katsuki would be getting one very long shovel talk. 

In any case, he was starting to approve the boy going near Izuku. Although it was a bit rough at the beginning, Bakugou knew that he had to keep his distance. When Izuku's two animal friends went to him, Aizawa payed attention. 

The two would have to either approve Izuku's childhood friend or reject him. There would be problems if it was the latter.

Thankfully, it was the former. In fact, it seemed like the two liked him.

Unbelievingly as it was, Aizawa had to call them back because the mighty Bakugou Katsuki was looking rather lost with the two on him. 

He smiled under his scarf as the two childhood friends reunited. Even if Bakugou did something wrong, Aizawa would do anything to protect Izuku. And it looked like Bakugou wasn't planning to do that in a very long time.


Sorry this was a bit late. I forgot it was Monday. Anyhoo, I have a problem. I've got two ideas for stories but I am too lazy to do them. Therefore, I'm somewhat lost. ANYWAY. Enjoy the fluff.

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