Chapter 2- Strange encounter

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Authors note- the songs I put at the top don't have anything to do with the story line unless I say so, their mostly what I listened to while writing. So enjoy that. Also sorry if this isn't very good, I'm not good at writing out what I'm thinking in this case it would be the story. So sorry, but anyway enjoy this chapter and have a good day! :)
3rd person pov
" Who's there?" The man questioned, turning to look around in all different directions. But nobody answered. The man let out a sigh and continued to walk but stoped at a patch of grass.

" HoI!!"

The man let out a yelp at the random shout, and tripped over his feet and fell backwards ( jeez dude you got to stop falling ) He looked around and was meet with a fluffy dog cat face thing. " Um hi?" He muttered surprised, " who are you?"

"I'm TeMmiE!" The thing, now known as Temmie spoke. " Oh it's nice to meet you Temmie, I'm y/n."

Y/n thought about offering to shake Temmie's hand but realized that Temmie doesn't have any, he felt like an idiot.

"Y/n huh? Well it's nice to meet you, I can see that your new to the underground right?" Temmie spoke again In a very high pitched voice that was going to get annoying very fast.

" Yeah I am if it isn't obvious already."

"Well I guess little old me with have to show you the ropes, ready?" Temmie didn't wait for a response.

Y/n sat up as a red heart appeared in front of him.

" See that? That's your SOUL, the very culmination of you being! Your SOUL starts off weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV. What does LV stand for? Why love of course! You want some love, don't you? Don't worry I'll share some with you!"

" Down here LOVE is shared through Temmie flakes!" Y/n looked around to see five floating Temmie flakes.

"Are you ready move around and get as many as you can!" So that's what y/n did he moved to get some, only to feel a sharp pain where they hit and his heath dropped down to 1 hp.

" YOU IDIOT!! In this world it's kill or be killed!" Temmie screamed with an evil look on her? His? Face ( what gender is Temmie?? Help)

"Why would ANYONE pass up an opportunity like this!? Temmie's grin was sinister.

Y/n couldn't help but feel a pulse of fear in his SOUL.

Y/n looked up and was surrounded by Temmie flakes.

"NOW DIE!!" The flakes came closer, but stopped.

"Huh?" Wha-!"

Flames came out of nowhere and blew Temmie away. " What a miserable creature praying on innocent youth. Do not be afraid I won't hurt you I am Asgore care taker of the ruins, I will help you."

Y/n nervously took the giant fluffy hand and Asgore pulled him up. " Thank you, my name is y/n."

"Of course my child, now come along."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and sorry if I got the dialogue wrong I went off memory of flowers dialogue. Also this chapter was 90% Temmie just talking -_-
Anyway see you all next chapter!!
Bye~ Author-chan

My Obsession ( Yandere blueberry x reader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang