Chapter Five: Twelve Months, Three Weeks, Four Days And Two Hours.

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One Year Later....

Mike's POV
I waddled into the office like an anxious penguin.  "Tracy!" My voice had the pitch of a hormonal teenager, "What have you done now Mike? Don't worry I won't tell Cam..." She smelled the fear, I swear in another life she was definitely a police dog.

"Nothing, I promise but now we're on the subject, I do have to talk to you about Cam.." My voice was almost inaudible, I felt my bones rattle."Okay what is it?" She gave me a stern look that made my blood run cold. "Gus just told me that Me and your Mum have been together twelve months, three weeks, 4 days and two hours, and well I just thought that now was the right time to take the next step.."

She gasped angrily, "I AM NOT, I REPEAT NOT, LIVING WITH YOU. I KNOW YOUR MORNING HABITS!" I stepped back, slightly offended, "Two things, number one, it's not that and number two, I'm a delight to live with." She sighed with relief, "Oh thank God! Tell me then, I haven't got all day..."

"Would it be okay if I asked Cam to marry me?" My throat closed up, as I awaited her reply the world slowed for a moment...

"Yeah go on then." she tried to be blasè but her face wasn't hiding anything, she looked like a bottle of Liamade about to explode. After a few seconds she exclaimed, "Oh my god! You're gonna be my Dad for real!" I held her tight... and never let go.

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