"One shot please, bartender!" Ginny joked and Xan laughed, holding the tequila bottle up.

"Tilt your head back, Gin!" Xan said giggling, Ginny turned to rest her head on Xanthies chest as Xan poured a shots worth of liquid into her mouth from a height. Ginny swallowed it down, grimacing slightly at the burn.

"Good girl." Xan nodded approvingly as she kissed Ginnys cheek.

She poured shots for the twins, both of them already a few drinks down and feeling its effects slightly. George even wanting to clink his and Xans shot glasses together, which Xanthie obliged to. She then handed Fred a shot, and he threw it back before leaning into her and whispering,

"Where's my kiss as a well done, then?"

Xanthie smacked his chest and pushed him back from her, throwing a second shot back.

"Nice try, Weasley." She muttered, pouring two shots, walking past Fred so she could pass one to Bill. She then knelt in front of Charlie, who was still sitting on the floor resting against the sofa, she gestured for him to tilt his head back and he did so. Xan smiled and slowly poured the shot into his mouth with a wink, Charlie breaking out into a handsome grin. Xanthie looked back at Fred who had a look in his eyes that could kill.

As the group all sat back down, Hermione, Ron and Harry all wandered back into the room. Everyone looked at them expectantly. Ron had a dreamy look in his eyes as he lowered himself to the sofa with a long sigh.

"So?" El asked, looking at Harry who was helping himself to a shot, throwing it back and then holding his thumb up as confirmation. Hermione giggled slightly, adjusting her top and sipping her drink as she sat next to Ron, leaning into his side.

"Okay 'Mione. Your turn." Bill said, looking at her and then the rest of the group.

"El, truth or dare?" She asked, looking at El with a smile. El laughed and raised her eyebrows with a jokingly long sigh as she pulled herself onto her knees.

"Truth." El said, earning a boo from Xanthie who El just nudged with her shoulder with a laugh.

Hermione put her hand to her chin as she thought, looking into space. She let out a small, girlish giggle as she sat forward from her spot under Rons arm, looking at El with excited eyes.

"El, do you have a crush on someone in this room?" She asked, her hands resting on her knees and Xan bit back a laugh at the painfully obvious question.

"Interesting question, Granger." Charlie said with a smirk, mirroring that of Fred and Georges, who also seemed keen on finding out the answer.

"Umm- oh, fuck it... Yeah, I do." El said, her eyes flicking for a moment to look Bill up and down before resting back on Hermione.

"Oh do tell!" Ginny laughed, resting her head on Els shoulder. El shook her head with a laugh and patted Ginnys hair.

"Hermione asked her question, now it's my turn." El said simply, turning and placing a hand on Xanthies cheek as she smirked.

"Truth or dare, babe." She asked, raising an eyebrow and Xan rolled her eyes.

"Dare, since I'm not a whuss." She teased and El slapped her cheek gently as she leaned back, pouring herself a drink and finishing the bottle. She looked at the empty bottle and laid it flat on the floor.

"Spin the bottle. Whoever it lands on, you have to kiss them. And it has to be a proper kiss." El challenged and Xanthie shook her head but bit back a laugh. She flicked the lid off of the tequila and took a shot from the bottle before nodding at El to spin the empty bottle. Everyone watched as it spun and slowed down, stopping on George.

Hexed (Fred Weasley ft the gang)Where stories live. Discover now