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Jacob and Allison were cuddling in the cold sleeping bag in the small tent. It was a survival least that's what they told themselves. But really they just wanted to be close together when no one else was around.

Allison was the general of the troop Jacob was in. He loved how strong she was and how being a woman didn't slow her down. Hell she was stronger then most of the men there. From the moment he saw her he fell in love.

She was hot headed and didn't like when the men were sexist. She was tall for a woman 5'10, 5'11. She was also plus sized but it evened out perfectly with her hight. Jacob loved everything about her. From her grey eyes to her brown hair.

When he saw her he had to make her his. She was younger then him by 3 years. And was a well known shooter.

And when things were good and they had equal feelings Jacob went missing.

Allison was broken hearted and sore to never love anyone again because how could she love anyone other then Jacob Seed?

If only she knew...


she could have Jacobs heart.

Only You

Judgmental (Jacob Seed x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now