Chapter 1

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I am making this out of spite.
Editor: my moirail

You're alone in your lobby, you had just rolled your dice, it was a bad day with many losses with few wins or ties in between. In a bad mood, you're thinking on what you should do.
  "Damn that ass phat"
You quickly turn around, where the fuck did that sound come from??? Its not a voice you can recognize, even if it was how would they get here.
  "What are your pronouns bb"
You're still confused, this question and the statement before have you questioning if this is real or not. You pinch your arm- and it hurts like a bitch, so reluctantly you answer the mysterious words.
  " *insert pronouns here* "
You wait for an answer, nervous. This could be some weirdo watching you, maybe even a ghost or some shit. While it takes a bit, the answer you were awaiting arrives eventually.
"That's hot."
You look around questioning where the person talking to you is. You can't really tell where the sound is coming from, you start walking around the lobby a bit, maybe that could give you some clues.
"Shawty it's me."
You turn around one last time, the sound felt closer, you walk towards where you think you heard the sound coming from but all you can see in front of you is your lobby chair, but it feels...different. it's like it suddenly was...more aware, more awake.
But that's a crazy idea, you've had this chair for years by now. The idea of it suddenly coming to live is impossible-
  "It is what you're thinking babe, it's me, the chair."
What the fuck.
  "Alright who is it, guys please, this isn't funny"
You're starting to really feel nervous. Is this a fucking prank?? Were you going crazy?? You weren't sure. Maybe this was real. It didn't seem like you were dreaming, at least not like a normal dream.
You walk closer to the chair, noticing the weird aura surrounding it, it wasn't visible but you could feel it with your own hands. You rest your hand on the top of the chair, seeing if this really was just your imagination.
At first you don't notice anything. Relieved you were about to take your hand off when you realize something, the chair was softly shifting, side to side, it was the slightest of movements, you probably wouldn't have been able to even seen it. You think to yourself, why is this weird ass chair reacting like this. This feels like a hate crime.
  "Bestie what the fuck..."
"Lick me🥵 tease me😻 touch me👆😦"
  "Oh god this is,,,,, gross."
You quickly lift your hand from the chair, that was fucking disgusting, you're full of questions.
Why is this chair sentient??
Why is it horny??
How is it horny??
  "Anyways, I'm gonna act like I didn't hear that. How come you can talk? And are aware?"
You ask, hoping to get a clear answer out of this mysterious chair. While it thinks for an answer you look at the chair, it seemed changed. Its colors seemed a little brighter, and it seemed to have some sort of shine to it. It seems that some sort of life had affected even its physical form.
  "Babe you know how a, like, cult used to reside here I think... one of them bitches died.....imagine fucking dying lmao😁cant relate😁😁 actually never mind I can I think by now you've guessed I'm the spirit of the person who died, and for some reason, this chair allowed me to enter it and reside in it and i think that's hot"
You allow the information to enter your brain and start to try to process it. What the actual fuck, why hasn't this happened before, this is so confusing.
  "Well would you at least tell me your name??"
  "Faggot coochie destroyah 5000, Thats my name darling."
The gears start turning in your mind, faggot coochie destroyah 5000,,,,,,,,, You've heard that name before. You try to remember where you had last heard it when you take a glance at the chair and see a little engraving on the side. That's it, now you remember where you know that name from.
  "Bro,,,,, are you by any chance a craftsman for furniture??"
  "Why yes I was one before I died"
  "Shawty I think I've figured out why the chair let you in, you were it's creator which because of circumstances leads me to believe that it has some sort of attachment to you."

Identity v chair x reader fanfic Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora