champagne problems

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"Guess who!" A man's voice called through the locked door and knocked loudly.

Dorothea gasped in surprise, her heart pounding. The dorm had emptied out for break, and since she'd had to get special permission to stay, she didn't expect anyone to be around. Dorothea peeked nervously out of the peephole, then swung the door wide once she saw who stood outside.

"Isaac!" she squealed, throwing her arms around him. "You scared me." She laughed with relief, and clutched him close.

"I'm here to rescue you," he said.

"Say what?" she said, smiling.

"You can't stay here and be alone for Thanksgiving! You're coming home with me."

Dorothea pulled back. "Isaac, I don't know. I already told my mom I was staying here."

"You won't even have to see her. No one has to know, except my family, obviously. Pinky swear."

"Well, then, I don't know how I could resist such an offer." She looped her finger in his and kissed him. Before the kiss could deepen, she jumped back.

"Wait, I have to pack!" Dorothea said excitedly. She dashed back to her bed and pulled her suitcase out from under it.

"Whoa, whoa, hold on, I wasn't finished. We'll leave in the morning. I was planning on taking you to dinner, spending the night..." Isaac trailed off, pulling Dorothea back in his arms. "Reservation's not til eight," he said with a devilish grin, and they tumbled back on to her small twin bed together.


When Isaac ordered Dom Perignon for them at the restaurant, Dorothea's eyes widened in surprise.

"Isaac, you can't afford that." she said, keeping her voice low.

"It's a special occasion," Isaac answered, not bothering to whisper. "You, me, in the same town?" Dorothea giggled as the waiter brought a bucket of ice and poured them glasses.

"It's too much," she said, but she smiled and clinked her glass with his again and again.

Over dinner, they talked about their group of friends back home, Dorothea's classes, Isaac's family and their farm. They had grown up in their small town together, and Isaac had stayed after graduation. There was never any question of his staying, just as there was never any question of Dorothea's leaving. Her mother's ambitions had pushed her out of town as soon as she could walk, tiny Dorothea traipsing behind her mother at pageant after pageant across the state. But of course, back then, she had always come back, and so long distance was more than difficult now. With Isaac, Dorothea felt like she was safe, like she was home. His sardonic wit checked her ego even as his tanned, muscled arms caught her any time she stumbled. His sweet smile was better than heaven, and his presence made her feel as calm as a glass lake. Even daily FaceTimes couldn't compare to having him here in person.

The lights of the restaurant were low and there was a man playing piano in the corner. When he started a waltz, Isaac pulled Dorothea up from her seat.

"Dance with me."

No one else was on the dance floor, but it didn't matter. Dorothea wasn't looking at anyone else, and Isaac held her close until they were the only guests left in the restaurant.

Cheeks flushed with champagne and the heat of each other, they headed back to Dorothea's dorm. The campus, usually a mad rush of students and noise, was so quiet with everyone gone home already.

"The RA said he'll decorate for the holidays before everyone gets back. I can't wait, it'll be so festive."

Isaac smiled absently, and Dorothea searched his face. "What is it?" she asked.

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