13. Trying new things

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Summary: So, basically, Isolina is learning new things and all.

A/N: I forgot that from this chapter someone helped me rereading and correcting the whole stuff, but she wasn't quite my beta.

For the next few days, Asami took Isolina to work with her. There was no problem and they resumed their little routine. The CEO didn't worry about anything for a few days, neither Opal's party, nor Lin and her psychiatrist, nor that school problem. She knew she would have to do it eventually, but the less she had on her mind the better she was. And she liked just spending time with Isolina without making her depressed.

Besides, even if she didn't say it explicitly, Isolina was a little mad at her. So, it took her a few days to behave with her like she had used to, given that she was still upset because of that terrible appointment. Asami didn't mind... or rather, she did, but she was willing to give her a little more time to take everything in. It didn't take long and soon she was hugging her again and clinging to her.

It was at that time that Opal asked Korra if Asami and her had discussed about the party. Since the Avatar knew that her wife still hadn't talked to Isolina, she pretended not knowing about the party and said that they would talk about it this very evening. So, after Korra had insisted a bit more, the green-eyed woman eventually agreed to talk to Isolina.

They were on the little girl's bed, it was almost time to go to sleep, and Isolina was curious about what Asami had to tell her. She was a bit scared too, because the last time the young woman had asked her something it hadn't ended very well. But she had forgiven her, and she still trusted her.

"Say, Isolina, would you mind going to a party with Korra and I?" Asami asked.

"I've never been to one..." the little girl admitted.

"Well, it could be a good opportunity!"

"I guess..." she said, a bit wary and not really conciliatory.

"Look, remember Opal?"

The young girl nodded. She remembered Opal. She didn't mind her. Maybe she could even like her. She was nice. But her husband was scary. He was too excited...

"She has three children," Asami resumed. "Hideo, you have met, Lanying, who is a little older, and Reena who is going to be seven in less than a month. And Opal would like to throw a big party for Reena's birthday because we have lots of friends but we can't really see them often. It would be great if we could gather and have fun all together. But she also wants to throw this party because she wants her children to be able to play with other children. So, she thought that you could befriend them. What do you think?"

"You'll leave me alone?" Isolina asked, opening widely her eyes as she was getting scared.

"Well, not exactly... I'll be there, not far from you, and you would be able to see me whenever you want and we could go home if needed, but... you've never been with other children and I think making friends would be good for you!"

"I'm not sure I can do it..."

"Oh, sweetie, of course you can. You're adorable, they'll love you! You don't have to stay with them all the time and talk to all of them, but at least you could try just talking? And if you like, you could play. Opal said that Reena wanted to have someone her age, so she really wants to meet you."

"But we have a two-year difference!"

"Well, not exactly. More one and a half. When were you born actually?"

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