"Well, we kissed." She replied arrogantly. 

"Oh did you now? Good for you two. You both deserve each other." Lydia replied sarcastically as she walked away with her drink in hand and headed over to the group of men behind her. 

Lydia questioned if Grace was telling the truth, but then again why would she lie. She thought: clearly, their kiss meant nothing if he kissed Grace the same day. 

Upon approaching the group of men, a familiar face appeared. Jack Wright. 

"Ahh, Lydia!" He said greeting her with open arms as he embraced her. Jack had clearly been drinking. 

"Oh, hey Jack." Lydia said kissing his cheek. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he placed his hand on the small of Lydia's back. 

"I could ask you the same thing." Lydia replied avoiding the conversation of her involvement with the Peaky Blinders.

"Well this is the closest pub to the hospital, and I needed a whiskey." Jack explained. 

Lydia remained with Jack and a few factory men; she drank whatever she was bought by them. They all took a liking to her, which didn't come as a surprise. Eventually, the Shelby brothers sauntered out of the private room into the main part of the pub. Tommy scanned the room for Polly and Lydia. 

He quickly saw Lydia's black dress surrounded by men. Tommy stormed over and before he got there most of the men had already scurried away in fear of losing their eyes. However, Jack had remained there with his arm around Lydia. 

"Lydia." Tommy said grabbing her attention, she turned to face him and rolled her eyes. 

"Thomas?" She replied, still annoyed that he kissed Grace. 

"Why aren't you with Pol?" He asked looking at Jack who was still stood next to her. 

"She left a while ago." She replied bluntly.

"Then why didn't you come to us?" Tommy added.

"Because I was having fun, but you've stopped that now by scaring everybody off." Lydia explained. 

"Thomas Shelby, and you are?" Tommy introduced himself and asked after Jack. 

"Jack Wright, I saw you earlier today at the hospital." Jack said, starting to seem nervous around Tommy. 

"Jack, I best be off. It was nice speaking to you, I'll see you tomorrow?" Lydia interrupted and spoke to her colleague. 

"Yes, of course. I'll see you tomorrow Lydia." He replied and walked to the other side of the pub.

"For goodness sake Thomas. Am I not allowed to speak to another man?" Lydia asked him. 

"Well I wasn't going to just stand around and watch men drool over you was I? We're going home." Tommy exclaimed. 

"What? Why? I barely got bought enough drinks." She argues. 

"You do realise you can get your drinks on the house." He explains. 

"Yes. But where's the fun in that, they taste better when somebody else has bought them." Lydia said as she wobbled in her heels. Tommy just rolled his eyes in response. 

As they walked through the Garrison Tommy stared down any man who even glanced at Lydia. 

"What's the face for?" She asked him.

"You do realise that every man in can't keep their eyes off you." Tommy explained. Lydia simply shrugged her shoulders at him.

"So what if I'm getting a little male attention?" Lydia said as they stepped out of the pub. 

"You're gettin' a lot more than a little, I just think you should be a little more careful Lydia." He added.

"And I think if you really feel the need to tell a girl what she should and shouldn't do, you should go back in there and speak to Grace. I'm sure she'd love a reenactment of last night." Lydia said confidently due to the alcohol in her system. Tommy suddenly became shocked that she had found out about the kiss. 

"Clearly what happened between us meant nothing to you, am I just another one of your conquests?" Lydia added raising her voice slightly. They had now reached the house and Tommy was trying to think of ways to excuse his actions. 

"Conquests? No that's not it Lydia." He said as they stepped into his house. 

"What is it then Tommy?" Lydia asked taking her coat off and storming into the kitchen.

"I was just...just drunk and mad at you. But it meant nothing, I promise you." Tommy explained following her. 

"What did our kiss mean nothing too  then?" She asked turning to face him. He walked closer and closer towards her, admiring her in her dress.

"No. It meant everything." Tommy said as he took a final step closer. He traced his thumb along her cheek and down to her lips. His thumb lingered on Lydia's bottom lip. Both of their breathing intensified.

"I hate you Thomas Shelby" Lydia said in annoyance

"Hate me later Lydia." Tommy whispered as he pleaded, tilting her face upwards. 

This sent a sweet shudder down Lydia's spine as she was once again enticed by his ocean eyes. His right hand on her hip pulled her closer while his left hand supported her neck and jawline as Lydia placed her hand on his chest affectionately. 

"Just let me do this one thing first." He whispered, staring from her eyes to her lips. 

Tommy leant in and placed his lips gently on hers. Lydia's lips parted allowing for the kiss to deepen. It was slow at first, but desire soon elicited more passion. It became voracious as Tommy's tongue caressed Lydia's. 

Lydia raked her hands through his hair as Tommy moved to trace kisses along her jawline, eventually reaching her neck. A small moan came from Lydia as his lips gently sucked on Lydia's neck. He started a fire inside Lydia that nobody else could ignite. 

"Tommy, Tommy" Lydia said breathlessly. 

"W-what's up?" He asked still kissing the base of her neck. 

"You can't leave a mark Tommy." She replied barely able to keep her eyes open from the pleasure she was feeling. 

"What if I want to. People should know that you're mine. Only mine." He announced possessively. 

It's always been you- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now