"You're leaving?" she asked, hesitant.

"I'll just be out of the room, but I'm staying. The man here needs to talk to you alone. If you want me to come back, you just have to ask him, okay? I'll be here right away!"

She smiled to comfort the girl, and Isolina nodded. Asami kissed her on the forehead.

"You're a good girl. Don't worry, everything is going to be fine."

She smiled one last time, and exited. There, Lin was waiting for her, and spoke as soon as she had closed the door.

"I told you."

The CEO sat down on a seat that was against the wall—and wasn't really comfortable—, and sighed.

"I know, I know. I was just trying, ok? I hope she'll be fine without me..."

"You're not her whole and everything, y'know..."

"Well, the fact is that I'm the closest person to her, and that she needs me for now. Could you not update me on the cases instead of criticizing?"

"Right... I could work too. And leave you here. Waiting."

"You are working, if you update me."

"If you say so. I don't have anything new concerning Isolina. We tried to contact all the nations, and there is no lost child corresponding to her description. I can't find anything on her parents either. And concerning the scar part... as long as she doesn't talk, I can't really search for mysterious guys without anything on them. We are investigating on the different organizations that put children to slavery, but I think we won't find something even close to what happened."

Asami pondered: should she tell her about Isolina's exceptional bending abilities? She trusted Lin, but somewhat she couldn't do that. It was too dangerous. Maybe the kind of organizations which used those so-powerful children had a really large network, like the Red Lotus had had. She could not risk it. For Isolina's safety.

"And the other children?" the CEO asked.

"It's starting to fall into place. Maybe we could transfer Isolina soon."

"I..." Asami winced, and composed herself. "No."


"No, don't transfer her. She stays with us."

"How come you changed your mind? You wanted to get rid of her."

"I can't do that to her. And I want to be updated concerning her case. So, she stays with me until the end."

"Asami, I told you: it is dangerous. You have a great heart, but that can be a real problem. You know she'll have to leave you."

"And I'll be prepared when, or if, it happens."


"We don't know anything about her parents. I want to make sure they are good people for her."

"Even if they are not, it's not for you to decide. You can't take her away from them."

"That is right, but... I'm not leaving her to some dangerous strangers. And I won't change my mind. I'll fight for her if that is necessary."

"Why do I feel like this story is going to end very badly?" Lin muttered, rolling her eyes.

"I don't know what you worry about. They could be fine and there will be no trouble."

"Asami..." Lin sighed, putting a hand on her forehead.

But as she was talking, the door of the room Isolina was in opened.

The Girl in the StreetWhere stories live. Discover now