But now, in Dungeon Fighter Online and StarCraft, everyone was on the same starting line, and no one had outside aid.

As long as they worked hard, they wouldn't lag behind so much that they couldn't see the top players.

In the games, they seemed to have relived their lives on the battlefields in StarCraft and on the Arad Continent.

A young man who was in his thirties and was wearing a simple gray warrior robe nodded at them while walking past them.

Then, he entered the dojo again. On the screen, there was a male fighter with good equipment, and his ranking the Dojo Division System was an eye-catching [Supreme – 9]

"Old Fu went to the dojo again?" Liang Shi asked in a low voice.

"Yeah. Recently, he has been spending about eights hours a day in the dojo. I guess he fights at least 100 matches a day..." The warrior wearing the black warrior suit said, "You know Old Fu's strength. During the individual competition of Diablo..."

Fu Jianghe was the Paladin player who had battled his way up in the individual competition of Diablo but backed out of the competition in the last round.

The warrior wearing the black warrior suit said, "I'm afraid that he doesn't know about the crisis in the Spiritual State yet... If the competition is cancelled due to the crisis, his efforts will be all wasted..."

"I heard that the cultivators in the Spiritual State are preparing for war and have no time for the competition..." another cultivator said.

For most of the civilian warriors and independent cultivators, the tangible rewards of the competition were not important. They valued this rare opportunity where they could get on the same stage and have fair battles with the lofty geniuses of the big families who they could only look up to in normal situations.

[Well, I just want to go to the arena and take a look...]

[After all, I've never gone out of this city 😀] In the Half City shop, a bright-looking young man who looked to be less than 20 years old replied. His character in the game was a lazy-looking gunner with a twig dangling between his lips.

After replying with a message on QQ, he immediately plunged into the matches in the dojo.

Gunners were survivors in a chaotic and lawless area in Empyrean. In that place, they could encounter enemies any moment and must draw out their guns as fast as they could to kill the enemies.

To survive when they didn't have guns, they had strengthened their hand-to-hand combat skills and thus created a combat style which combined the use of weapons and combat skills. These special gunners were called rangers.

In the game, this young man used both combat skills and his various weapons with proficiency, and he killed a blade master who was about to use an awakening skill with a kick.

After opening his game interface, he saw that he had more than 3,000 matches on the record.

When he walked out of the dojo, he saw the icon of QQ lighting up on his interface.

"What's going on?" He opened QQ, and anger, loss, and other complicated emotions appeared on his face. "The shop in the Spiritual State is almost empty... the F1 World Championship might be cancelled as a result?"


Many players in the shops had been busy preparing for the competition, and no one had expected that things would take such a turn.

In the Yuanyang City Shop, there weren't as many players as before; it even looked a little empty while the players dwindled.

Between obtaining strength and preserving their lives, most people chose the latter, even though the second option wasn't so reliable either.

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