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Claudia stayed at my place all day. Hanging out with her was different not in a bad way but different. It was more fun.

"BABE no I promise male seahorses give birth not the female" "Sierra you just fucking with me. How do you know" she said in disbelief "You remember that show Octonauts" "Yeah" "Okay then" "I don't remember that episode" Claudia said still not believing me "you want me to play it right now" "yes play it right now"

As I said I played the Episode Claudia was in disbelief. Even after the episode was over she made me go to YouTube and Search up "Male seahorse giving birth" she didn't know they gave birth to thousands at a time so she jumped into my arms screaming about how disturbing it was.

"Hey love birds mom is on her way so cool it with the yelling babe" Danielle said "Okay" they two of us said in unison

Claudia obviously knew about my mom. My mom thinks Claudia is straight. Claudia if Far from straight.

A Month later

"Later Babe" "BABE...Sierra not again" My mom yelled "Claudia really" " I'm sorry I forgot" "Sierra what did I tell you last time" "Mom I'm Bi I'm going to date girls. You can move us all you want every time I get with a girl but that will probably be a lot Of moving" I said Confidentiality but if I had To tell you the truth I was scared shit less for what she would say next.

"Sierra you're right I Cant keep moving the family for your sinful behaviour. So I am going to have to ask you to leave" My mom said Without a look of guilt

"Mom you can't mean that" I said starting to tear up "Yeah I do. You got an hour to get all your stuff and go" "alright, Claudia can you help me" "Yeah"

We finished getting all my stuff and Claudia was driving.

"So where are you going" Claudia Said looking at me "Wellll I was hoping my girlfriend and her family would take me in but I'm not 100% sure" I said jokeing "Quit playing with me of course you can stay with me and my family"

We made it to Claudias house. We told her parents everything. They were so nice and welcoming made me feel right at home.

"Okay so you can put your stuff over here. You need more room or is that enough" Claudia asked making room for me "No this is fine but where can I put my box" "oh yeah your special box umm up here" "Thanks baby" "no problem mamas"

It was getting late so we changed and got in bed for the night.

"I love you Sierra" "I love you too Claudia"

I woke up in Claudias arms best feeling in the world, and now I get to do this everyday.

"Good morning mamas" Claudia said softly walking me up "morning baby" I said with a raspy voice "how did you sleep" she said with her cute morning voice "Amazing" I said clearing my throat"Okay get ready I want to do something fun today" "Is cuddling with me all day in bed not fun" "Girl get up" she said playfully annoyed

A/N just a simple filler chapter

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