Chapter 5

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It's been 6 weeks since Fuyumi started to visit Kai and ever since then they have grown closer and closer. She kept coming to give him some company even though she found out his full story 3 weeks ago.

She felt that she could tell him anything! Well anything the guards will let her say. She felt really down today after teaching and that Natsuo and Enji had a fight this morning when Natsuo came home for a bit to visit Rei. It was only Thursday so she couldn't visit Kai or she might get caught by her family and have to explain. But she couldn't wait another day, she would have to risk it.

Fuyumi changed her clothes before going to Tartarus. She started to tear up when she was at the gates she tearily got threw the guards then had a small idea and asked about her idea at the front desk threw her sniffling and tears. The front desk hesitantly agreed but told her they would have to take extra precautions.

Fuyumi agreed and on went the quirk erasing cuffs. Her usual guard accompanied her but this time to a different room. Fuyumi still crying ran into the room as soon as the guard let her in. She went straight for Kai hugging him. Kai was confused nonetheless but worried for Fuyumi the most.

~Kai Chisaki's Pov~

'Why aren't I disgusted? What happened to her? How is she able to touch me? Why is she touching me?"

All of these were questions Kai had but he knew what he had to do first. Kai tried to comfort her the best he could but with very small nubs for hands courtesy of the stupid hand man. He couldn't do anything but sit still trying to think of something while watching her cry. Did the guards do something? He glared at the guards. No, they wouldn't. How did she convince them to even let her be in a room for special visiting?

The room they were in was like the other except one door and no wall separating the two sides. It was just one big room now. Kai was under a bit more security too but at the same time a bit more loose. He wasn't forced on a chair chained but he was chained to the floor now. His quirk restraining cuffs on his ankles as always because where else would they put them?

He could escape. Should he? No that would put her in danger he couldn't.


Fuyumi didn't budge. She was still crying, arms wrapped around his neck crying into his chest.


Still no response.

"Hey listen to me." Kai said using his head to lift hers off his chest. Her forehead was now only resting on his. She was shaking and still crying but something made Kai really feel something.

Looking in her turquoise eyes he felt her pain. He felt terrible. He wanted to do anything he could to make the pain go away. Her tears were dripping on his face now. But for some reason he didn't mind.

Why was that? If anybody else's filthy hands got even close to his skin he would back away or be very disgusted.

As gently and carefully as he could he lifted Fuyumi's face up higher then kissed her. She was surprised as she quickly tried to use her arms to help support herself at least a little so she wouldn't crush him.

He definitely understood now. He didn't mind her germs. Her germs were special because they were hers. He didn't care that he would have her germs. He just wanted her to be happy.

~Fuyumi Todoroki's Pov~

Is h-he? Are we? Omg we are! Having a tiny freak out was one way to put how she was feeling. Fuyumi suddenly stopped crying for a moment, the tears brought the tears to a soft gentler stream. Kai pulled back a bit touching foreheads with Fuyumi.

"Feeling better?"

"I-I thought you didn't like people touching you? Because of germs? I'm sorry I didn't think about that before I rushed to you. I was being selfish. I'm so sorry."

"No, your fine. You're different."

Fuyumi blushed at that, not wanting for this moment to end.

Kai moved his forehead away and sat differently to get comfortable. Fuyumi watched him with questions flowing through her mind. "May I?" Fuyumi asked for consent, gaining a small nod she made herself comfortable laying on him.

"So wanna tell me how in the world you got the guards to let us meet like this? On Thursday too."

"I begged for mercy through my weeping. Im surprised they understood me." Fuyumi gave a small laugh.

"But are you ok now Angel? Want to talk about it or something?"


"Well with how you crashed into me maybe I should of said fallen angel."

"Shut up Kai." Fuyumi said out of soft silly sadness. She then realized what she said and took a step back. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I just randomly said it y'know-"

"It's fine."


"Sure, if you tell me what's wrong."

"Well... Natsuo came back from college for the weekend a bit early so he could visit Mom. Dad questioned him and Natsuo got mad. He wasn't trying to do any harm I'm sure but Natsuo just won't give him a chance. Im sure if he gave him a chance- Omg I forgot about the others! What time is it??!!!"

"5:11" One of the guards answered.

"I'm sorry I have to go-" Fuyumi got up and was half-way to the door before she heard him.


"Hm?" Fuyumi turned around to meet the golden eyes that started this all.

"Hey I don't know how to do this or what I should do but I want you to know that I want you..

To be mine, only mine. Will you?"

Fuyumi stifled a laugh before responding. "I heard worse don't worry, I'll be happy to be yours." She then turned away walking to the door, eventually out of Tartarus until she was home just in time to make dinner.

Sorry for the crappy story telling but there's a first for everything and every first is most likely not the best.

You may now pass you judgement on the Kaiumi (Kai Chisaki x Fuyumi Todoroki) ship.

(Pass judgement here)

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