Chapter 4

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It felt like the days dragged on as everyday she did the same old, same old. Her students did make things more interesting though. Making breakfast, morning chores, tending to the garden, going to school and teaching, coming home, making dinner, and more chores. Finally, Saturday came, the day she had 70℅ of time to herself. She did everything she needed to do and practically ran to Tartarus out of excitement. Wait should I even be visiting him? What if he tries to manipulate me? No wait calm down Fuyumi. You're strong you can go up against anyone and anything.

She went through the guards, and the receptionist and once again entered the meeting room.

"Hi again Chisaki!" Fuyumi said in a less nervous but a happier tone then last time.

"Back huh? What took you so long?" Chisaki said it in a mocking tone but it affected Fuyumi none at all.

"Elementary school teacher remember?"

"Oh yes, I don't understand how you can deal with kids all day but it's your life I guess. I barely know anything about you though, tell me about you."

"Well, I'm a elementary school teacher, I have 3 brothers, and I have a ice quirk."

"Winter beauty."


"Your name is Fuyumi, right? Your name means winter beauty."

"Oh I guess it does." Fuyumi smiled a bit remembering a moment she shared with her mother about her name.

"What about your favorite food, favorite thing to watch on tv, stuff like that." Chisaki asked in what sounded like actual curiosity.

"Well my favorite food is ice cream, I like to watch soap operas-"

"Hmph-" Chisaki stifled a laugh.

"What is it?"

"Nothing, it's just something I didn't expect from you, well you are a girl." Chisaki plainly teased.

"And you're just a guy in prison cell with nothing better to do but talk to jUsT a GiRl." Fuyumi exaggerated snapping back.

The two went back and forth talking about small things even throwing playful comments at the other until Fuyumi had to leave to get dinner started.

💙Kaiumi💙 A Overhaul x Fuyumi Todoroki FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now