chapter eight

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"Soobin hyung just sent you a message," Taehyun said after he took a sip from his drink. It's another work day. The four friends agreed to go there an hour and a half before they start working to meet up in the cafe restaurant. The restaurant opens earlier than the library.

Yeonjun got his phone and opened it, checking the message. He typed something and immediately put it down after doing so. Taehyun looked at Yeonjun and said, "He never stopped, did he?"

"I don't even think he's getting tired of messaging me," Yeonjun responded. He then took a sip from his coffee and held it with both of his hands afterwards. He looked at the other three: Huening Kai on his right side, Beomgyu on his left and Taehyun in front of him, smiling. "But I've gotten used to it."

"Surely," Beomgyu commented. "You even send your replies to him. That's unlikely of you."

"Like I've said, I've just gotten used to it." Yeonjun took another sip from his cup of coffee, placing it back on the table after. He then took the fork from Huening Kai's hands and got himself some of the younger's waffles. He didn't even ask for permission. Huening Kai glared at him after Yeonjun placed down the fork on the plate.

"What is he even saying?" Beomgyu asked. Out of the other three, Beomgyu is always the curious one. He keeps on asking questions. Sometimes, he asks everyone the same questions. "I love you's?"

"Why the hell are you so addicted to I love you's?" Yeonjun annoyingly asked Beomgyu, who was eating his waffles as well. While chewing, he answered the older. This man never failed to annoy the other three! He talked while his mouth is full. "Disgusting. Close your mouth." But Beomgyu laughed it off.

"Guys, it's ten minutes 'til eight!" Taehyun said and quickly stood up from his chair. He suddenly grabbed Huening Kai's wrist and led him to their bags. Yeonjun sipped his coffee fast that he didn't care about it's temperature. Beomgtu, who still has half of his waffle on the plate, quickly ate the waffle in one whole bite. Then, they stood up and grabbed their bags. "Bye, guys!"

"You're slower than a freaking chicken!" Yeonjun shouted as he and Beomgyu got out of the cafe restaurant they were in. Both of them are now headed to the library for work.

"At least I don't look like Tom and Jerry when running!" Beomgyu fired back. His very loud and humorous laugh was heard throughout the ground and second floor of the building. They are now close to the library. It was now six minutes before eight in the morning.

Yeonjun got the library key from the maintenance personnel's room downstairs before they could even sit down and chill on the cafe restaurant earlier. He opens the library door with the key and immediately opens all necessary materials to be used. He opened the lights, then the air conditioners, other ceiling fans, and finally the computers. Beomgyu, on the other hand, placed all the chairs from on top of the table to the floor and arranged it all.

"What time is it?" Beomgyu asked as he reached the library counter. He had no watch with him and his phone is in his bag.

"The library is now open, Beomgyu." It's already eight in the morning. One by one, people started to come at the library. It's going to be another busy day. Both friends just hope that it's not going to be a problematic day.

"I don't see your boyf— Soobin hyung." Beomgyu almost said the word 'boyfriend'. He knew Yeonjun hates it when he calls Soobin his boyfriend because it's not true. He's supposed to tease Yeonjun, but he didn't this time. Maybe he also thinks it's not the time to tease him yet.

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