In The Beginning... Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

The shame is though  I still see war and death and destruction and carnage. It doesnt repulse me but it does disgust me that nobody fights like a real man should. You know, fave to face with the enemy, sounding gornns and riding into battle in full armour to claim a REAL victory.  Cutting throats and slicing off limbs and spearing torsos and ripping out eyeballs. Its quite satisfying in the heat of a good battle. Its not like that now however. Not like in my time, the good old days when a man could go months in war but still come home a mans man and be noticed and heralded for his actions a d bravery but still plough a field for a  Autumn harvest and father 10 children only to be recalled to go back into war at a moments notice.  There was none of this medal nonsense. All these pussies being  hailed a hero for just venturing out into the desert for five years just to kill a few starved forgein people livong in make shift tents.  There was skill to war back in my time, not like now. But what hasnt changed are the tactics behind it. The greed for more land, money, power and of course what ever lies in the grounds of the earth thay make it valuable. Oh the greed of man in any continent doesnt change over time, only the fashion does.

Nevertheless one shouldnt complain and the world needs to keep moving on.  I could easily bore or enlighten anybody with my tales if there was anybody that had the time to listen to my centuries worth of stories. Or the the story that matters the most. The story of how I became to be a Vampire. 

Love. That is the soul reason I became a Vampire. Not because I was cursed by God for pillaging the Muslim Turks in the name of Christianity or for becoming a psychopath on the battle field and raging fear and terror through what ever land I claimed. Or the brutal mutilations of my own people and nemisis. It wasnt any of that though I do lay claim to those actions as formidable and demonic as they were, theycwere all my own doing and I still have no regrets. I was punished to become a Vampire becuase I fell in love. I was punished as a good Christian man, who only rampaged through wars and did unspeakable things  becuase i thought stupidly that I  was doing the right thing by God in trying to spread the word of Christianity and to innahilate the false idols of the world. I was one of Gods men supposedly! What a fucking joke that was! . And this is how I ended up. Even though I lost thousands of good men to Heathens in trying to spare the world of selfish men. Personally giving them a dose of torture to help them experience before hand whay Hell was going to be like before I  killed them, yet it is me who is tortured still. And most of all lonley.

The year was 1455 and I was out hunting with my men in the forests beyond my castle. The year had  been kind and fruitful so any stags and rabbits we caught were only going to benefit us further even if the coming winter was going to be harsh and long. 

The deer where plentiful thay summer and so me and my men took off in assorted directions and being the good Christian I was back then I promised whom ever caught the most would recieved their hunts weight in gold. 

I knew the forest like the back of my hand. It stetched for hundreds of miles back then and right dead set in its centre was a fresh water lake that led from the Carpathian moutnains. It was so pure and crystal clear one would not think it was water at first but more of a looking glass for it was always so still. If it easnt for the fish in their swarms underneath any man would say it was made of barren glass or that it was too covered in massive foliage that no life could exist in it. Oh but it did. And on thay particualr aafternoon I first saw Mina.

I rode into the forest clearing after chasing down my third stag,  the other two I had already skinned and had adorned my horses hide with. I had to stop catching the rabbits becuase my satchels where full to bursting. The deer I had been pursuing already had a   arrow through its hind leg and one hanging out its back and was running senslessly into the opening ahead. It was becoming too much of an easy kill but still I had made the effort to carry on. And  by God I am glad I did becuase not only did the deer drop from exhaustion not a few feet away from me but I saw the most spectacular vision of beauty watering her white horse by the lakes edge. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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