In The Beginning... Chapter 1

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It has been over 600 years and still I rule the night like the Sun rules the day. 

I watched caustiously as the sun sets and the twilight mist absorbes into the stark night and I feel even more of a surge of power course through me as I waych from the tallesy tower of my Castle. I rule Transalvania even after all these years it is a terrifying place to live. I am more powerful than any living thing, man or beast, creature or cretin, disease or plague. All of which I have seen and all of which are non comparable to me.

I am the night terror of over 600 years that still plays of the lips of the modern world. I am Dracula, Vlad Tepes, The Dragon, The Undead.  Always there like the sun in the day time even when the clouds mask its radiant power. I am there in the shadows just like Our God condemed me to. Oh how I miss the sun. How I miss the orange and pink glaze over the horizon. How I miss the battle cries of my war lords as we charged at first light to flaw, pillage and mutilate our eneimes like the true chapions of the world. How the sun was our leader back in those happy days! Now the sun is just a constant reminder that I am powerless during its happy presence.

Not so powerless that I will turn to dust or burst into flames. The sun only drains me of my power surges but just like any of Gods creatures I can walk around in the day even if it is in a weaker state. You humans are funny with your superstious ways and your terror talk and your rumours. Nothing really changes though, only mild context. Even after 600 years the stories only get more hilarious but there is a truth behind it all. That's how any rumour starts. Its starts with the truth, like Chinese whispers. The further it reaches the more confused it gets or elaborated it gets or even at times it becomes dissipated. 

But what ever you believe the stories are laced with some truth for here I am alive and well as you all say.

600 years of endless living can take its toll. The first hundred years or so I was just finding my way, enjoying the power and the vengence and the revenge. I enjoyed the poqer I had and the steengthcand the fact I cpuld still punishe my enemies future generations but once theycdied out I had no purpose any more. It didnt matter when I ripped out the throat of the five year old child to condem and earse the last name line of my prolonged nemisis. It wasnt going to bring her back. The soul reason I am who I am today....

 So when that was accomplished I had to look further afield. So like any man in my prime I fucked, pillaged, killed and drank my next 2 centuries away. Naturally like any humanoid I got lonely and so had to make a friend or two along my way. Not just any friend of course. Hektor is my minion, a simpleton of a man in his human days but strong and lean  in physicallity as well as highly devoted and trustworthy which only exemplified when I let gim become part of my dark pact. We have traveled together all over the place really but I always came gome eventually. But oh! the sights I did see and the beauties I did fuck and the tastes of some forgein lands was quite exquisite. But eventually it all becomes so mundane. The world modernises, and as a leanered student I do love to keep up with the latest sciences and discoveires. I bet you wouldnt belive that I was one of the first centuary of men to travel over to the Americas as it was called back then. The Dutch were a good breed of people but the Puritants tatsed awful. And then there was the unfortunate event of the  so called 'small pox' that broke out over there. Well you have to come up with some story to cover your tracks. Even history needs to be changed so I could remain unnoticed. I was playful and undead and adventorous, I just wasnt stupid. Here is another interesting factoid about myself that History has to leave out, I was actually hypnotising Alexander Graham Bell the night his first light bulb worked. I was  draining one of his mistresses and trying to get a deal in his new found research.  He was such a tight old bore that man. Oh and Jack the Ripper, yes, that was me. I was bored and London was full of stench and down trodden people and it was getting so laborous and painful for the under class that I thought it my duty to have these destitue people noticed. I decided to shake awake the higher archy and cause a stir. And I do believe  I made quite the impression back then because people still talk about it today. I do believe they cast Johnny Depp in a movie about it too.

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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