"Now, the only way to defeat a Boggart is with this spell. Repeat after me, no wands, Riddikulus!" "RIDDIKULUS!" The class repeated. "Good. But what really finishes a Boggart, is laughter. Alright, everybody line up!" The class shuffles into a disorganized line, and I end up second, with only Ron in front of me.

Lupin holds his wand up towards the cabinet, "Wand at the ready!" Ron holds up his wand, terrified. Lupin swings his wand and the cabinet shoots open, releasing a giant spider.

Ron starts breathing heavily, shaking. "Riddikulus!" He manages to say. On the spider suddenly appears roller skates. It starts sliding and wiggling, eventually falling, causing everyone in the room to laugh. "Great job! Next!" Professor Lupin screams, ecstatic.

I step up to the Boggart. "Miss (Y/l/n), what is it that you fear the most?" Lupin asks. "I honestly don't know sir. I guess we'll find out." I hold up my wand.

The spider-Boggart disappears, and it starts to change. It's twisting and folding in all directions, and suddenly drops. Everyone is in shock.

"Who...who is that?" Ron questions. An old lady appears, lying on a hospital bed, a single monitor attached. A heart monitor. The monitor is beeping, getting slower and slower, as the woman's chest moves less and less. I see Professor Lupin looks concerned. The class fills with murmurs.

Hermione comes up behind me and places a hand on my shoulder, "(Y/n), is that...is that supposed to be-" "Me." I say, voice shuddering, "I think that's supposed to be me." At that moment, the heart monitor stops beeping, and the old lady's chest stops moving. "You...you died." Hermione utters.

I drop my wand and fall to my knees. I can't breathe. Hermione kneels down and grabs me, "(Y/n)!" I rest my forehead on the ground and cry. Just cry.

Lupin runs over, stands in front of me, and the Boggart transforms again. It forms a full moon. He points his wand, "Riddikulus!" He yells. The moon-Boggart becomes a balloon, losing air and flying around the room until it goes straight back into the cabinet.

"Granger, please take Miss (Y/l/n) to the Hospital Wing at once. I'll let Madam Pomfrey know you're coming." Hermione nods and pulls me off the floor. I lean into her, hyperventilating and soaking her robes.

It was a struggle, but we eventually made it to the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey is waiting there, and immediately grabs me and puts me on a bed. "Thank you Miss Granger, you can head back to class now." Hermione nods, "I'll see you later (Y/n)." And she's gone.

I sit there, still crying my eyes out. All I can see is an image of that old woman, of me, slowly but surely dying. My heart is pounding, my lungs feel like they could explode, I can barely focus on where I am or what Pomfrey is saying to me.

"Relax sweetheart. Here, take this potion. It's a Calming Draught. It will help you feel better." She holds up a bottle filled with blue liquid, my hands shake wildly as I reach for it. "Here." She holds it to my mouth, I open. She pours it down and I swallow. "I would also like you to take this Dreamless Sleep Potion. You need to rest." Madam Pomfrey holds up a purple colored vile. Once again, I reach for it, but my hands quiver. Though not as much as before, must be the Calming Draught. She pours it in my mouth again.

Almost instantly, I feel drowsy. Pomfrey takes the back of my head and slowly guides me on to the pillow. She lifts my feet on to the bed. "Sleep now my dear. You'll feel better when you wake." I drift off to sleep.

However long later, I start to awaken. I hear Madam Pomfrey talking to someone. "I'm sorry, but she's resting. You'll have to come back later." She's really good at caring for everyone. "I just want to know if she'll be able to make it to her Potions class this evening." I hear a man say in a deep, monotone voice, which I recognize instantly. "I can't be certain till she wakes, Severus."

I sit up, rub my eyes and yawn, "Professor Snape?" I say, as if I didn't already know. Pomfrey then turns and runs towards me, "Oh my dear, how are you feeling?" She asks, kneeling at my bed. "I'm a lot better. Thank you Madam Pomfrey." I smile.

"Was that Professor Snape? Can I see him? I-I want to let him know I should be fine to go to Potions." I say, a little too excitedly. "Of course dear. Severus! You may come in." Just then, a man dressed in all black, with a flowing cape and long hair, comes marching in.

I repress a longing smile. "I wish to speak with Miss (Y/l/n) alone, Poppy." Snape says stoically. Pomfrey bows, and heads off to the adjacent room. The moment she closes the door, Severus breaks character and rushes to hug me. "Are you ok? I'm so sorry I couldn't be there." My face in his chest, I say in a muffled voice, "How did you find out?" He lets go, "Miss Granger came and told me. You must've told her about us didn't you?" He says almost angrily, "You told Malfoy!" I exclaimed, at which Severus visibly softens.

"So, you had a lesson on Boggarts and yours turned out to be..." He started. "Mine was me, as an old woman, in a Hospital bed, dying...but..." I can feel tears start to form again, "But what (Y/n)?" Severus questions, worried. "But that wasn't all it was." I mumble, burying my face in his chest again. "W-What do you mean?" Severus is getting increasingly anxious. I realized this almost the exact moment the Boggart stopped as old me, but I didn't want to tell anyone. Anyone but Severus, "It wasn't just me dying...it was me dying alone." More tears run down my face and onto Severus' robes.

He didn't care and held me tighter than ever, "(Y/n), I promise you I won't let that happen." I bring my ugly crying face up to meet his sincere beautiful one, "H-How can you be so sure?" He wipes my tears away with his thumb, "Because every free moment I have, will be spent at your side."

I stare at him with loving eyes, and grab his robes on both sides, pulling him in for a daring kiss. We pull back and I sink into his chest once again, feeling content.

We hear a door swing open, and flinch backwards. Severus stands straight up, and goes right back to being 'Professor Snape'. Madam Pomfrey walks out and tells me I should head out if I'm feeling better. She didn't see anything then. Thank goodness.

I nod and get up. Snape offers to escort me out, and we leave for Potions.

A/N: AAAHHH IM SRY!! Ok, confession time. Im pretty sure I'm projecting myself into this story...so that might actually b my real worst fear. Anyway, hope you're still here :P

Unlikely (Severus Snape x Student Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora