Coffee Shops and Shortcake

Start from the beginning

Light gave the man a surprised look. "Oh! Uh...sure"

"Great, have a seat."

Light looked at the man sitting across from him. He still had no idea where he had seen him before, but he knew that he met him somewhere. He just didn't remember where.

"So uh, what's your name?" Light asked.

The man looked around thinking, as if he didn't know the answer to such a simple question. "Hideki Ryuga."

Light's eyes widened. That's who he was! He was the one who tied with him for having the top score for To-Oh's entry exam! He was the one who gave the speech with him during the welcoming ceremony. Light didn't know how he managed to forget someone as....unique looking as him.

"That's right! We tied for having top scores to enter To-Oh and we gave the welcome speech together!"

"Yes. Did you already forget Yagami-kun?"

Light laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah...I guess so. It's been awhile."

"It was only a month ago Yagami-kun." Ryuga deadpanned.


Ryuga went back to his laptop and kept working, ignoring Light once again.

What's with him? He asks me to sit with him, and then he just opens up his laptop to work, and ignores me? Does he not realize that when you ask someone to sit with you, it's normally so that you can have a conversation?

Light watched Ryuga work and waited for him to start some sort of conversation. But that moment didn't come. He just kept typing away on his computer occasionally taking a bite of shortcake or taking a sip of coffee.

Ryuga finally looked up at Light again, and saw a slightly irritated look on his face. He doesn't look too happy.

Ryuga closed his computer and spoke. "I'm sorry about that Yagami-kun. I was working on a paper. You know how important those are."

Light sighed and nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I get it. It's fine. What were you working on anyways?"

"An analysis on a murder case. The teacher made up a fake one and we had to analyze it. It was pretty boring, and not very creative if you ask me."

"Yeah, I get how you feel. The work we get is way too easy. I wish they gave us something harder."

Ryuga laughed at Light's response.

Light raised a brow at him. "What's so funny?"

"No no, it's just that of course you of all people would say that Yagami-kun. I can take one look at you and see how bored you are with everything."

Everyone had assumed that Light was okay and that he was fine. But the truth was, he wasn't. Sure, he was the role model student, perfect son, and a genius. But everything about that was incredibly boring and there was nothing Light knew about that could make his life just a little more interesting. "Yeah you''re right Ryuga."

"Maybe I could make your life more interesting Yagami-kun."

Is he flirting with me?...

Light smirked back at him, and leaned back in his chair crossing his arms. "Really? What makes you say that?"

"Well for starters, we both tied for having top scores to enter the university, meaning we are most likely intellectual equals. I can challenge you in that sense. And I heard you play tennis. I play too, and I bet I could wipe the floor with you." Ryuga said cockily.

Light laughed. "You think you can beat me? I'll have you know that I won every single tournament I have ever been in."

"Sure, but I came in first place five times in the England junior tennis championships." Ryuga shot back.

" lived in England?" Light asked, completely forgetting about one upping Ryuga.

"Yes, I did. I lived there for about five years."

"Wow, that's so cool. I've never been outside Japan."

"Really? Well, we should go somewhere outside of Japan together one day then Yagami-kun."

Light laughed softly, and fought the blush that he felt coming onto his cheeks. "Yeah, I think that would be fun Ryuga."

Ryuga smiled at Light and took a bite of his cake and drank some of his latte.

"This short cake is really good Yagami-kun. As for your latte, it could be sweeter."

Light feigned a look of offense. "Excuse me, lattes aren't meant to be sweet."

"It could be sweeter." Ryuga repeated again, with a teasing tone in his voice.

Light shook his head and smiled. He looked up at Ryuga who had a small bit of icing on his face.


"Yes Yagami-kun?"

"You have icing on your face."

Ryuga licked around his mouth attempting to get the icing off his face.

Light watched in amusement, trying to hold back his laughter.

"Am I getting it Yagami-kun?"

Light let out the laughs he was holding back. "Nope, still there."

Light reached out and wiped the icing off of Ryuga's face with his finger, then licked the icing off of his finger.

Ryuga had wide eyes and a small blush on his face. "Thank you Yagami-kun."

"No problem, Ryuga." Light checked his watch and looked at the time. 11 pm.

"Oh shit," Light muttered.

"Is everything okay Yagami-kun?"

"Oh yeah, sorry! It's just that it's already 11 and my shift was supposed to end an hour ago."

"I see. I'm sorry for keeping you here so long." Ryuga said apologetically.

"No no! Don't be sorry! I actually enjoyed talking to you..." Light trailed off with a smile.

"Well I guess I better close up. Here let me take your empty dishes." Light took Ryuga's empty dishes and brought them into the sink to wash. He then went to the back room to change out of his uniform and back into his normal clothes.

When he came back out, he was surprised to see Ryuga still there standing in the middle of the shop.

"Ryuga? You're still here? I thought you would've left by now."

Ryuga made his way to Light. "There's one thing I still have to do Yagami-kun."

Light raised a confused brow at him. "And what would that be?"

Ryuga walked closer towards Light, and grabbed his shirt collar, bringing Light's lips to his.

Light's eyes widened at the kiss, but they slowly closed as he felt himself kiss back.

Ryuga pulled away and smirked. "I told you I would make your life more interesting didn't I?"

Light didn't say anything and just nodded.

"Will you be working here again tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Light, said breathlessly.

"Great. I'll see you here again tomorrow Yagami-kun." Ryuga kissed Light again before he left, leaving him alone in the coffee shop.

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