L Gets Sick

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"Achoo! Achoo!" Light looked over beside him where L was sneezing violently in his chair. L had been sneezing and coughing all day, but he refused to go rest.

Light sighed. "Come on Ryuzaki, just go to bed already so you can get better."

L shook his head stubbornly. "No, I'm fine Light-kun" Another sneeze.

"You're clearly sick Ryuzaki."

"I'm not. I don't know what you're talking about." L coughed.

"You are certainly not fine Ryuzaki." This time it was Soichiro Yagami, Light's father who spoke.

"You seem to have a cold. You should rest for the day until you get better. I can assure you that we will be able to handle the case when you're gone."

L shook his head again and sneezed once more. "Thank you Yagami-san, but I am fine and I am perfectly fit to work. So, I appreciate your concern but-"

L was cut off when Light picked up L and lifted him over his shoulder.

"Light-kun! Let me go! I need to work!" L thrashed around in Light's arm in an attempt to escape, but Light's arm was wrapped securely around him so he couldn't get out.

Light ignored him and brought L up to the bedroom and threw him on the bed.

L sat on the bed staring at Light with a pout and crossed his arms, looking like a small child throwing a tantrum.

Light tried his best to keep an irritated expression, but he found it quite hard when L looked like an angry little kid staring at him. A child. The world's greatest detective is an actual child.

L huffed. "You know Light-kun, you're keeping me from continuing the investigation going. This raises your Kira percentage by two percent."

Light glared at L. "Come on Ryuzaki, all I'm doing is thinking about your wellbeing."

"Sure you are Light-kun, I know you're just trying to keep me from the investigation. So if you'll excuse me I will be going back down now." L got up from the bed and started to make his way towards the door.

Before L had a chance to escape, Light tackled him, pinning him down to the bed. Light had his arms and legs on either side of L's body so he was sure he wouldn't be able to get out.

Light looked L directly in the eyes. "Ryuzaki, just get some goddamn rest will you? Because if you don't I swear I will keep you trapped here until you fall asleep and get better." Light told him in a low voice.

L looked back up at Light and huffed. "Alright fine, I'll rest Light-kun."

Light sighed, and rolled off of L and lay down on his side of the bed.

L sat up and brought his thumb to his mouth.



"You're not even lying down."

"Light-kun, you know that if I don't sit like this my reasoning abilities will drop by forty percent."

"You don't need your reasoning abilities right now. What you do need to do is rest and sleep."

L gave Light a confused look as if he had never heard about the concepts of rest and sleep.

Light rolled his eyes and opened his arms.

"Come here,"


"Come here,"

L raised a brow and lay down reluctantly beside Light. Light wrapped his arms around L, and ran his fingers through his hair.

"There, you can sleep now L."

L wanted to argue that he wasn't tired, but he could feel the exhaustion of having countless sleepless nights and a cold creeping up on him.

L yawned and closed his eyes. "You won't leave will you Light-kun?"

Light laughed softly and pressed a kiss to L's head. "No, I'll be right here with you the whole time."

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