Chapter 1

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I've always felt kind of alone, but there was a time when I didn't. I was only 8 and I lived on Wallace St. With my parents, before the accident and there was a girl who would talk to me from her bedroom window and come over to the house to play cards, her name was Solace. The first person to make me not feel alone in this gigantic world of color and life, well that's all I thought it was, but let's not get ahead of the story. Solace, is were we left off and I bet all of you are wondering "well where is she now?" And the answer to your question, I honstley don't know. I haven't seen Solace in years, I'm 16 now and still haven't spoken to her since. As we got to junior high we drifted apart, she found her people and is happy while I was left alone, but i can't blame her for that all i can do is hope that she's happy.
  Today is March 15th, just an ordinary day and I've got to go to school, guess you're coming with me. First period science Mr.Smith. Well I've always hated science, and for good reason, Solace is in this class, so I sit here for an hour watching her have fu- "Jupiter, pay attention this is science not English." Said Mr.Smith. "Sorry Mr.Smith" said Jupiter. Well where were we.. oh right the fact that I have to watch the lo- I mean the person who I used to know enjoy their new life while I'm all alone, it really sucks. I'm not envious of her it's just.. just, well what's the point maybe I am, i just miss her, Solace, I miss Solace.
   A girl with long jet black hair that shines when the light hits it and deep forest green eyes walks up to Jupiter and says "hello im... im sorry." The girl is Solace, you know the person who I used to know. "Um, you are? I haven't even talked to you in years, why now, you could've said sorry anytime sooner." Said Jupiter. "Look, I didn't want to do that you don't understa-" over the intercom someone says "there is an intruder in the school he is holding a gun to my head, he says that if Solace And Jupiter don't make there way to the office, he'll pull the trigger. Please hurry." "We have to run" said Solace, "wh-". "NOW" Solace continued.

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