Chapter 2

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Work was stressful and difficult. Two of your employees walked out on their shift and another never showed. This left you in a bind as the store was packed. Luckily your other three employees helped you pick up the slack. Towards the end of your shift, the second shift manager showed earlier than normal.

"So? How was George?" The brunette prodded plopping down in an office chair beside you. "Perfect for you right?"

"No, He got drunk and tried to assult me." You deadpanned. She looked at you almost as if she was offended by your words. You simply went back to reorganizing the schedule. "Don and Jim quit today. And Lisa never showed for her shift." You stated flatly.

"But George is perfect! Stable career, wants a family-" 

"He wanted sex and thinks I'm ruined for already having a kid. Did you hear what I said about Lisa, Don, and Jim?"

"Those boys were expected to quit soon anyway right? And Lisa called me saying she couldn't come in today, so I gave her the day off."

"Lisa should have called me. I was the floor manager today." You sighed rubbing your eyes. "Next time she does this she's fired."

"You know what you need? You need to get laid. Lemme call George-"

"Good god, no! I never want to see that jackass ever again."

"(Y/n) you are not getting any younger and Nova needs a father." Your coworker stated, as if she was the authority on the matter. You really hated people like her. Why did you need a man in your life to be happy. Granted the help would be nice but you refused to settle for less than you wanted. You wanted love and conviction out of a partner. Stormy eyes flashed in your mind.

"Are you listening?" Your coworker pouted. Apperently she had been lecturing you on why she thought you should tie the sweaty man to you.

"Gina, you couldn't pay me to see that man again. Besides I have a blind date with someone else coming up. Someone better." 

"Who? I'm your only friend, so who else would be able to set you up?" Gina huffed, tossing her hair over her shoulder. 

Shaking your head in dismissal you started to fax the schedule to your boss for approval. "Okay let's get one thing straight, I have many friends. And another thing, I wouldn't go so far as to call us friends in any capacity."

Getting an approval for the schedule you made sure Gina was clocked in then proceeded to clock yourself out. You were running a little late to pick up Luna and Nova. Just barely driving the speed limit you made it to the College cafe. You had called ahead so Luna would be ready to go when you got there.

"Relax." She soothed getting in. "Crow said he'd pick Nova up and would meet us at your place." 

"What?" You where both shocked and scared.

"I figured this would be the easiest way to keep you from chickening out." 

"Oh you're evil. And I'd be pissed, if I wasn't so proud." You snorted pulling away and heading home. You were still nervous about someone you didn't know picking up your daughter, however you trusted Luna. So if she said he was okay then he must be right?.

"You're just a terrible influence." She snickered pulling her phone out and sending a text.


{Earlier that morning…}

Crow rolled out of bed and walked over to his fridge in the corner. He was pulling an orange juice carton to his lips when the VidPhone rang on the wall. Walking over he answered, not recognizing the number.

Blinding Mistakes {Crow Hogan x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now