I roll my eyes and quickly walk off in search of the boy that I apparently need to save from a love potion.

Harry's POV

I am currently in the corridor playing wizards chess with Ron. He was winning, to no ones surprise. Don't get me wrong, I've won a few times, but he's just to good. He is always learning new moves and he practices with his family a lot too. Hermione always criticizes him about if he put in as much effort into school then he does with chest or Quidditch he would be an amazing student.

I knew I was done for about three moves ago, but we decided to play it out anyway. Even with the advantage of me playing white I still lose. I don't mind to much though. Because of Ron I've gotten much better and can almost beat anyone I play against.

Just before Ron was about to make the final move that would put me in checkmate I saw the glistening blonde hair of a particular Slytherin, that just so happens to make my heart skip a beat.

"I need to talk to you" Draco says in an angry tone. Stormy grey eyes piercing my green ones. Why is he angry? I look back at Ron and he's giving me a worried look. I stand up while giving him a reassuring smile.

"I'll be back" I say then gesture for Draco to lead the way. He starts walking off towards the corridor exit really fast and with his long legs I'm having a bit of difficulty keeping up, but somehow I manage.

Once we were in the hall I realized I was so caught up trying to figure out why he was angry that I failed to notice no one was in the halls. I mean NO ONE. I didn't even see any professors. {where is everyone?}

"Wha- hey!" Before I got the chance to ask Draco where everyone was, I was shoved into a secret passageway. One that I am not familiar with.

"What are we?" Draco asks with a serious face as soon as the door closes. Shit. What am I supposed to say now? Are we boyfriends? Does he want to be? I mean I know he likes me and I like him so-

"That was a question, Harry. One I really need you to answer" he says while taking a step closer. In the past I would have shoved him away and we probably would have gotten into a fight, but now all I want to do is pull him closer. I didn't even notice that my breathing was picking up and my heart was starting to race until Draco took another step forward. I looked up to meet his gaze, only to see him with that incredibly sexy smirk on his face.

He knew exactly what I wanted us to be.

He lifted his hands putting them both on my waist and pushing me back until my back hit the wall. He leaned down so his face was merrily centimeters away from mine. "Your going to have to tell me, Harry" he whispered against my lips. The way he says my name in that low, gruff tone and the way he's pressed up against me sent a shudder throughout my body.

"I-I w-want to be your b-boyfriend" I internally curse my stutter for once again showing Draco how nervous I am when he gets this close.

"Aww how cute. Are you nervous...or turned on?" He whispered the last three words directly into my ear and then kissed the shell of it after. I took a sharp breath in as he continued to place small open mouth kisses along my neck and jawline.

I take a deep breath and gather all my courage to not stutter "Both" not even a second passes between me saying that one word and Draco's hand going to the inside of my right thigh. "D-Draco" I was trying to say it as a warning, but it came out more of a breathy half moan, half whimper.

"Do you want this?" He asks in between kisses. I let out another low moan to tell him I wanted to continue, but he pulled away instead. "Words" he says in a deep demanding voice, daring me to defy him.

"Y-yes, yes, I want this" I say extremely fast while pulling him towards me. He gives me his classic smirk and starts moving his hand a little higher. He detaches his lips from my neck and I whimper at the loss of contact, but immediately shut up when his lips press against mine in a bruising kiss. He swipes his tongue across my bottom lip and I almost immediately open my mouth for him. The second his tongue touches mine his hand moves the last inch up and is now palming my hard member over my trousers. I moan at the feeling and he groans into the kiss as well.

He pulls away from the kiss while simultaneously giving my member a soft squeeze. I moan again when Draco starts to move his hand up and down, giving it a squeeze once an a while. I could feel my legs start to give out, so to keep myself up by wrapping my arms around his neck. "Hmm I want to fuck you so bad right now" Draco whispers against my lips, almost as if he was saying it to himself. I bit my lip to try and suppress the moan that was about to escape, because I knew it was going to be a lot louder then the others.

"Ohh you like the sound of that? You like the sound of me fucking you into the wall in a secret passageway were someone could hear us?" I felt my member twitch at his foul words, but I never would have expected what he did next.

So sorry to cut it off but it's late and this chapter is VERY long so I'll update tomorrow promise


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