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As the months have passed, the group became closer than ever. With art projects, music instrumentals, the band's fan base growing at a fast rate, and the musical tonight, they have all been locked at the hip. Tonight the musical will count as their final grade for the class, meaning, stakes are high. 

"May 3rd, a night to remember." Owen smiles looking down at the playbill.

"I thought that was tomorrow night?" Amelia snickers. 

Owen shoots a glare to his sister. "You know what I meant."

"Speaking of prom, did you ever get your dress?" Carolynn says looking over to Eliza. 

"Oh, I was just going to reuse my dress for the winter formal." Eliza says scrolling on her phone. She looks up, feeling stares at her. "I dyed it. It looks fine." 

"Well, who's house are we getting ready at?" Carolynn asks.

"We can get ready at my house. The boys are coming over anyway." Amelia says looking at herself in the mirror. "Does my costume look okay?" She says turning around to the group.

"It looks fine, Amelia." Owen says rolling his eyes.

As the group waited for the show to start, Eliza and Charlie decided to take it upon themselves to song write.

"In times that I, doubted myself, I feel I needed some help. Stuck in my head, with nothing left." Eliza sings as Charlie strums.

"What about 'And when I feel lost and alone, I know that I can make it home'  for the next part?" Charlie sings softly. 

"I like it." Eliza smiles.

For the the past few months, Charlie has been working his tale off to make sure Eliza was comfortable with him again. It took a lot of work and reassurance, but it seemed to be helping. Of course, Eliza had to break down the wall she had put back up, but she was slowly letting it down.

"So, can we talk about prom?" Charlie says, setting down his guitar.

"Sure. What is there to talk about?" She asks looking up at him.

"Are we going together?" He asks.

"I assumed we were, you never really asked me." Eliza says looking down at her song book.

"Right. Well, do you want to go with me?" Charlie asks, scratching the back of his head.

"A little anticlimactic, but sure. I'd love to go with you." Eliza smiles.

This made Charlie want to ask a better way. But how with only today to ask.

"Great, I'm going to go to the stage for a mic check." Charlie says standing up and kissing Eliza's forehead.

"Oh, okay, let me know when they are going to need me." Eliza says as he walks out.


"Eliza, curtain call!" Charlie says walking to her.

As everyone else walked out, the two waited as they were the last to go out. Finally, after what seems like forever, Charlie and Eliza jog out hand in hand. Charlie takes his bow and steps behind Eliza, letting her soak in all of the applause. She did her bow, waving to everyone, and the entire cast went in for one last bow.

"Hello, I'd like to make an announcement!" Charlie says pulling out a microphone. "Eliza, I have a question for you." He says walking up to her and pulling her towards center stage.

Coming in behind him was Jeremy, Owen, and Jackson holding up a sign that said 'PROM?'. Carolynn came up to Eliza with A bouquet of flowers, and Amelia gave Eliza a princess tiara.

High School Sweethearts// Charlie GillespieDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora