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The next day, Eliza woke up in her bed by herself for once. She sat up and looked over to see if Amelia happened to have been awake. And to her luck, she was getting ready. Eliza opened the window, hoping Amelia would do the same. Amelia took notice to they girl and walked over to her window and opened it.

"Need a ride?" Eliza asks.

Amelia nods her head. "I haven't spoken to him since, well you know."

"I don't blame you. I tried to stick up for you and he lit into me as well. Be ready in 10." She says shutting the window to get ready.

It was a yucky day out, the forecast called for lots and lots of rain. So, Eliza kept it simple; her natural curly hair, eyebrows and mascara, and one of Charlie's T-shirts with a long sleeve turtle neck, leggings, and her air forces with white nike socks. She grabbed a sweater and her jacket and headed downstairs.

"Hey dad, running late. Will be home after play practice." She says walking into the kitchen to see her dad made her a breakfast burrito. "Thank you." She smiles grabbing her packed lunch prepared from the night before and kissing him on the cheek.

She runs out the door, seeing Amelia standing by the car.

"Good morning, sunshine." Eliza laughs.

"Looking good today, E." Amelia smiles giving her a much needed hug for both of them. Owen walks out of the door, looking at both of the girls, then quickly getting into the car. "Yep, still mad at him." She rolls her eyes, getting into Eliza's car.

"So, tell me about your date." Eliza says as she drives to the school.

"It was so much fun." She lights up. "He took me iceskating, as promised, and then after, he took me to a nice restaurant, and paid for it all." She giggles.

"A gentleman." Eliza laughs.

"After, we hung out in his car talking, mainly because I didn't want to go in while Owen was still up. But all and all, I had fun. I hope he will ask me on a second one." Amelia sighs.

"I mean, from the sound of it, why would he not!" Eliza says looking at the girl. "Do you want coffee?" She asks.

"Please!" Amelia chirps.


At lunch, it was an unusual one to say the least. The awkward silence was killing everyone, but nobody knew what to say. There were moments where it looked like Jeremy was going to start a conversation, but quickly dialed it down once he got ready to speak.

"So uh, Eliza." Carolynn says starting off a simple conversation. "How is your art assignment going? It's due tomorrow." 

"I'm almost done with it." She smiles. "I am really happy how it turned out."

"What did you end up doing?" Jeremy asks.

"A portrait of Charlie." Eliza smiles.

"It's freaking gorgeous, guys. Not just because I'm in it." Charlie laughs, making the group laugh.

"Oh, Carolynn. Amelia, you, and I have to stay a little longer today after play practice to get fitted for our costumes." Eliza reminds the girls. "Mrs. Adkins said today were all of the girls fittings, and tomorrow will be the boys."

"Okay, do you mind taking me home? My car is in the shop." Carolynn asks taking a bite of her salad.

"Yeah, no problem." Eliza smiles.

After the conversation finished, it went back to a painful silence. Soon enough, lunch ended, and Owen was the first to leave.

"He really isn't going to apologize for being a douche bag?" Eliza scoffs.

High School Sweethearts// Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now