Chapter 1

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Run, Run, Run. Do NOT look behind, no matter what you hear. Do NOT look behind, no matter what you see. You'll make it, you'll make it.

I replay over Nick's words as I am running from the multiple people shouting my name. It feels as if I'm underwater, and people are above. As if I'm just waking up, and I hear a new victim screaming in the room next to me, and how desperately I want to help them, but instead, have to drown how the screams for family, friends, and help. Knowing that they will never get help is the hard part of listening.

I jump over a fence, surprisingly getting over quite quickly. That must be what happens when you have a spring of adrenaline and are in a life-or-death situation. So far, I've counted 4 voices yelling my name. I know there will be more due to the cars that I hear pulling up behind me.

To calm my nerves and not trip over my feet, I try to pull each voice from another. There are 3 men and one woman. They are out of breath and slowly calling my name less and less. When they do, it comes out as more of a gasp for breath than a scream, just as how it sounds when our victims become weaker and weaker.

I think of Christian and our conversation 5 days prior to this chase, and how much he would want me to stop and tell them what really happens and what we really do.

"I just wish, I don't know. I-I sometimes try to sort out the thoughts in my mind of how I feel about us doing this to people. How we can do this and how someone can genuinely enjoy torturing someone."

"I know, I think the same thing. We'll get used to it, okay? We will, we will be able to do it without feeling remorse, and be able to kill without feel. How does that sound?"

He stiffens, signaling that he really doesn't want that to happen. "Okay, yeah. It sounds good, B."


"So my crime fighters, here we are in Austin, Texas. Four murders have taken place to the span of a week. All victims had the same cuts, same torture, and same initials carved into the side of them, N.M., C.L., L.N., and B. S.. " Says Penelope Garcia.

"Looks as if we are working with a gang." Derek Morgan states.

"Or one person staging as a gang to throw us off our tracks." Adds Alex Blake.

"The amount of torture, the different methods, the multiple initials, this all seems as if gang work. It may also be we are working with someone who is schizophrenic or has DID. " Says Jennifer Jareau.

"Very unlikely. The torture on these bodies are so distinctly different that these have to be from multiple people. Mental problems don't change physical ability." Notes Spencer Reid.

Well, whatever what we are working with, we need to consider all of these possibilities because we shouldn't profile the incorrect thing." Says Luke Alvez.

"Agreed, wheels up in 20." Says Aaron Hotchner.

The heat in Austin is unbearable in the summer, and the BAU's normal work attire has been changed to lightweight pants and either rolled up sleeves or a T-shirt. Jennifer Jareau, Spencer Reid, and Emily Prentiss are working on the crime scenes. 

"Very secluded, terrible heat, and no water marks, foot prints, or DNA." Says Emily Prentiss.

"Looks like it's not their first rodeo." Jennifer Jareau says.

"Interesting.." sighs Spencer as he bends down to look at something."

"Reid, you see anything?"

"Well, over here, I found dried out foot prints. Sure did a good job at hiding it. However, there's only three."

"Meaning...." Asks Jennifer.

"...meaning that there is one person who doesn't have to or doesn't want to do this. That's the person we need to find."

"Well, no hesitation marks, variations of bruising, different methods of torture, obvious multiple physical abilities. Definitely more than one unsub. " Alex Blake notices.

"Seems as if they know what they are doing as well." Aaron Hotchner

"What if there are more victims we don't know about?"

"The places are so secluded, I wouldn't be surprised. We need people all over looking for them."

The team meets at the police station, and start spitting out ideas.

"The initials are definitely a role. I'm guessing whoever N.M. Is is the leader, and the initials go from greatest to least."

"Whoever B.S. is is the tagalong, maybe doesn't really want to be in the team."

"We only found three sets of footprints, I'm guessing that whoever-"

The doctor from before rushes into the room. "Hey, I am so so sorry for interrupting everyone so late at night, but you guys are going to want to see this."

Everyone hurries to see what the doctor has so much urgency to tell them. "There is a small carving with it saying "Blair. Save Blair."

"Garcia, cross check the name Blair to citizens in Austin. It's not a popular name and they would probably the person to automatically go off the gri-"

"Blair Rose Skillman. December 29, would be 25 right now. Went off the grid on her 19th birthday. She is a smart cookie, always at the top of her class. Even was accepted into Harvard, and studied law. That's all I know. No mom, dad, address, siblings, licenses, credit, and pretty much family."

"She was most likely kidnapped by the group, forced against someone she loved to join them. I bet it was for her smarts. Try to find anyone that would know about her smarts with the initials."

"The only name I can find is a... Nick Martin. Senior in college when he was last seen. He had a job as the janitor at Harvard. Drug problems, tons of therapist visits, and horrible background."

"Sounds like our leader. Can you send us a picture of Blair? I think she may be the easiest to find."

"Yup. Done, done, and done." And Garcia clicks off.

A scarily beautiful young girl pops up on the screen, with almost emerald green eyes, beautifully naturally curled eyelashes, cute freckles along nose and cheeks to match cheeks with a slight blush and a cute little nose. Her eyebrows are almost perfect and her hair is looks naturally curly, being brown with some light brown pieces going through her shoulder-length hair. Her teeth are perfect and sparkle a beautiful white, and she has cute dimples.

"Well that certainly does not look like a criminal."  Says Luke Alvez.

"Agreed, let's get this picture out everywhere so we can try to find this young girl."

The team waits for three hours, before a 911 dispatcher rushes in with news.

"A woman named Mary just saw Blair, running down the street. It is only around 3 minutes away, but she ridiculously fast. I'm having Mary try to stay close to her to see where she is, but we need to hurry because Blair is smart and we don't know how long until she will catch on."

The team rushes into their vehicles and start towards the girl.

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